Example sentences of "[adj] with [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In recent years , however , monetarist and related theories have questioned this with claims that government attempts to manage the economy and the consequent high levels of public expenditure are counter-productive — they are responsible for the economic decline of the country .
2 The effects of high temperature and high humidity are often interrelated and while it is possible to accelerate temperature effects by storage at sill higher temperatures , it is not possible to do this with humidities that are already high .
3 However one views these initiatives ( whether they stem from local or central government ) they are covertly political — to ensure that schools broadly reflect parental wishes ( for parents , being instinctively conservative in matters educational , provide the most effective brake on radical local initiative ) or to give public credibility to the educational programme of a particular local authority ( ‘ We , the elected councillors , have discussed this with parents and … ’ )
4 For the dessert the waiters fetched in a beautiful cake aglow with candles and everybody sang , ‘ For he 's a jolly good fellow ’ .
5 There is nothing wrong with subjects provided they are treated as means not ends and as long as everyone is clear about what is to be achieved through them .
6 But when times are hard , when you 're upset by things that er are wrong with patients or by things that have happened to you , then it 's nice to know that God 's always there for you .
7 It is always best to be over generous with foundations since any cracking which occurs here will immediately cause cracking in the wall itself .
8 He was stationed in an old chapel in Chuckery because the Americans once they 'd started they were putting them everywhere or anywhere they could just get to be with them before V Day they were even in little chapels , churches , outhouses anywhere they could possibly and there were guns and bits of trucks on every spot of land where they could get them the er , I 'm getting out of context I was just thinking about a tank , a First World War tank that they used to have those as well in the field gun in the er arboretum which were disappeared soon after the war they went for scrap and they came and they used , people used to have a lot of wrought iron railings as well they took those as well they came along with burners and went off to the war effort , but er like I say the Americans and of course as kids they were very generous with kids and we absolutely loved them .
9 This , however , is particularly grave with sections because of civil liberties implications .
10 I 've heard that this farm was a very busy place on Tuesday nights and Wednesday mornings and the kitchen would be piled high with eggs and butter .
11 The father was just moving round to sit at the head of the table when the mother came sweeping out of the kitchen carrying a huge plate piled high with eggs and sausages and bacon and tomatoes .
12 And then the plate , piled high with sprouts and potatoes and gravy and topped with succulent slices of perfectly roasted breast of chicken , coated with a crispy surface of parsley , pepper and thallium , would land before Mrs Farr .
13 His in-tray was piled high with papers and his clerical assistant , WPC Diane Saxton , stood over him , polite but relentless .
14 You are often out of your office so your desk tends to be piled high with papers when you return .
15 ‘ Do n't you remember how , at Tara , they had those huge , roaring fires and how they had baskets and boxes piled high with logs and branches ? ’
16 She 'd wondered who 'd handle that side of it somehow she could n't imagine the night manager himself with a housekeeping trolley piled high with sheets and towels .
17 They were piled high with branches and logs , and the very old remains of a bonfire lay a few yards away .
18 The uncertainty map is a concept developed from working on-line with managers as well as from retrospective case analysis .
19 The music filled the night air , hauntingly medieval with pipes and drums .
20 Oaks , mostly , but there were beeches and ash trees , with birch and hazel everywhere , tangled with brambles and wild honeysuckle .
21 When people speak , their words emerge in illuminated manuscript , glowing with gold and angelic blue , tangled with flowers and tiny peasants labouring in the yellow corn .
22 Intended as a place where DEA and CIA agents could meet unobserved with informants and clients , as a message drop for CIA arms dealers supplying Iraq and the Afghan rebels , as a waiting room for DEA CIs and couriers from Lebanon , and as a transit point , not just for heroin , but for cash , documents and bootleg computer software moving to and fro along the Beirut — Nicosia — US pipeline , Eurame , as run by El-Jorr , was more like a low-life social club than a secret intelligence centre .
23 But you ca n't have some with slip-ons and
24 Once inside those walls , it really was another world , more than fifteen square kilometres of streets bordered by the crumbling walls of houses , public buildings , cemeteries and reservoirs , some with bits and pieces of bone lying exposed where long-dead looters and grave-robbers had been at work .
25 Both partners in 40 households are being interviewed , some with children and some without .
26 The yellow brain-bones of horses , dogs , birds , fish and horned sheep faced in towards Old Saul , some with beaks and jaws open , some shut , the teeth exposed like drawn claws .
27 Tax havens , or international offshore financial centres ( IOFCs ) , are popular with taxpayers and attract considerable amounts of investment .
28 In many areas where they have been established , staying on rates have risen and they have proved to be popular with students and staff alike for a variety of reasons .
29 It was popular with farmers because it 's a quick efficient way of getting rid of excess straw and killing off harmful weeds .
30 There was a lunatic called Mirabeau in the Rouen asylum who was popular with doctors and medical students at the Hôtel-Dieu because of a particular talent : in exchange for a cup of coffee he would copulate on the dissecting table with a female corpse .
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