Example sentences of "[adj] was [art] time " in BNC.

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1 The praise was well-deserved , but this was no time to be resting on laurels .
2 But this was no time to complicate things by being sidetracked by Ian .
3 But this was no time to be thinking about Marjorie again and her nagging about their poverty ; the morning would be complicated enough , God knew , without allowing Marjorie to invade his mind .
4 Brown Owl knew that this was no time to scold her , even if Mr. Gordon did n't .
5 This was no time to disappear .
6 Rebecque looked up into Sharpe 's tired and dust-stained face and wondered just how Sharpe had taken a prisoner , but he knew this was no time for foolish questions .
7 She instantly knew this was no time to be telling him what her trip to Bloomingdales had cost her in peace of mind .
8 She spoke as if this was no time at all .
9 No wonder the poor girl found herself tearing away her clothes with frenzied fingers as she felt them pullulating beneath her chemise ; this was no time to worry about modesty .
10 But of course , this was no time to start worrying about that sort of thing .
11 Timothy was equally blunt , for this was no time for dissembling .
12 Still , he thought , this was no time to pick and choose .
13 I felt angry with Jean-Claude , but this was no time to show it .
14 Clear as it might be that this was no time to continue old feuds with the shipowners , to lower one 's guard against them was too much to be expected .
15 Fenella felt ridiculous tears sting her eyes and brushed them away impatiently because this was no time to be emotional .
16 She had spent her life rushing into things — and this was no time to stop .
17 This was no time to look gorgeous .
18 This was no time for doubt and despondency and moping in solars .
19 He could be absolutely guaranteed to report to Fagg in the morning that a servant had been out of bounds , and this was no time to get the sack .
20 They were sheep who had decided that this was no time to waste energy panicking when it could be used for galloping away as fast as possible .
21 This was no time for false modesty .
22 In effect this was a time when new worlds and new social structures were being forged ; and in many ways we were closer to the world of the underground than that of the moral majority , for we were walking the same ground and like many in the alternative society were ( somewhat unsystematically ) following an essential and perennial theme of history — that of man 's journey as ‘ hero ’ .
23 This was a time when the universities were meeting the new challenge of implementing the Health and Safety at Work Act , which was designed for industrial and commercial organisations much less individualistic and varied than academic institutions .
24 For the remainder of the United Kingdom , this was a time when social or political upheaval seemed comparatively remote , and society appeared relatively orderly .
25 This was a time when Haslam learned the subtle art of keeping up appearances despite the fact that the world seemed to be collapsing all around him .
26 However , this was a time when there was some easing of the restrictions against the Nonconformists .
27 This was a time of peak union activity for many countries , for from Europe provided workers with different organisational concepts .
28 This hospital had been converted to a centre for research and instruction in the venereal diseases , and , by a happy coincidence , this was a time of great advances in the field .
29 As Joy Larkcom points out , the original text was ‘ notable for its clarity and brevity : this was a time for instructions , not explanations ’ .
30 He emphasizes that this was a time when the significance of the ‘ economic security and social esteem hitherto associated with membership ’ was declining .
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