Example sentences of "[adj] it [vb past] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Its share of wool exports rose too , though less strikingly , in 1374–75 and 1424–25 the figure was between 40 and 45 per cent , by 1474–75 it exceeded 50 per cent and in 1524–25 it was 66 per cent .
2 From this it followed that kingship , like fatherhood , was a divine institution to which resistance was not merely impolitic but sinful .
3 In this it had little success , though it did cause some alarm to the authorities and to shipowners , some of whom recognised that accumulated benefits could be an effective way of retaining membership .
4 In this it surpassed all that Lanfranc had been able to achieve even at the height of his influence in 1072 .
5 To achieve this it separated operational and functional responsibilities within the practice and brought in outside professional managers who were non-accountants : principally Ray Pierce ex-chief executive of the Mortgage Corporation and a former general manager of American Express — as chief executive , and Mel Smaje , a quietly determined former rugby player with experience in the pharmaceutical and computer industries , as director of human resources .
6 Such a system was effectively harnessed by the energy and skill of Thomas Cromwell ; but deprived of his control after 1540 it became corrupt , inefficient , and unpopular .
7 Between 1783 and 1793 wheat had averaged 47s ( £2.35 ) a quarter ; between 1793 and 1801 it averaged 77s ( £3.85 ) and from 1803 to 1813 92s ( £4.60 ) .
8 The United Kingdom imposed visa restrictions from Nov. 8 on former Yugoslavs except holders of Croatian and Slovenian passports and agreed to take only 150 refugees plus their dependants ; on Nov. 30 it increased this number to 1,000 plus dependants for temporary asylum .
9 I 'm afraid it went bust all of … . ’
10 By November 1985 it became apparent that the real antagonists were neither the Westland company nor British Aerospace , but Michael Heseltine , as a vigorous champion of the European link , and Mrs Thatcher .
11 The success of BEFIEX can be judged by the fact that by 1985 it covered 40 per cent of all manufactures , with a significant increase of the net trade generated ( Fritsch and Franco , 1988 : p. 116 ) .
12 As such it had serious defects : like all other Spanish parties , the Masons were distinguished by their domestic divisions .
13 As such it provided further evidence of a more flexible North Korean foreign policy arising in response to the momentous changes in Eastern Europe , and to South Korea 's recent successes in establishing relations with socialist countries .
14 It was low in numbers a century ago , when the Piedmonts of Italy were being imported for beef and good red milking cows came from Bergamo , but by 1979 it numbered 150,000 and is now a well-established milk and meat breed in France , though almost extinct in Italy , where it is known as the Tarina .
15 From 2 June 1832–1845 it carried 200,000 to 300,000 passengers per year — more passengers per mile than the Liverpool and Manchester railway .
16 In 1991 it offered handsome tax incentives to encourage the creation of big trading companies that would do the job more efficiently than lots of little sellers .
17 The administration was always poor and in 1991 it became chaotic .
18 The actions of the central authorities , in the event , served to rally local opinion still more closely around the nationalist leaderships , and when the issue of full independence was put to the republican populations in the spring of 1991 it received overwhelming endorsement The Lithuanian vote , in February , produced a majority of over 90 per cent on an 84 per cent turnout ; in Latvia and Estonia , in March , there were majorities for independence of 74 and 78 per cent on a similar turnout .
19 In the 190s it seemed intolerable to the then bishop of Rome , Victor , that the churches in Asia Minor celebrated Easter on a different date , and to the distress of many he threatened excommunication on those who did not adopt the Roman date .
20 In 1798 it took amazing moral courage to publish a poem which said ‘ the world is alive ’ .
21 In the decade after 1833 it became apparent that the district courts , which had original jurisdiction in all civil cases and most criminal ones , were unable to handle the litigation brought before them without long delays .
22 By 1891–95 it had average total deposits of £83 m. — an average individual deposit of £14.75 .
23 The boat was a modern German vessel with fittings so basic it looked unfinished .
24 In 1990/1 it contributed 27 per cent of all tax receipts — not more , it is important to note .
25 Reporting first quarter figures for the first time — nothing like good news to encourage such a move — SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV said net profit for the first quarter of 1993 was $24.4m on sales up 28.1% at $439m ; in the year to December 31 it had net profit of $3m compared with a loss of $102.6m the year before ; first quarter orders soared by 91.2% to $726.8m .
26 By the 1780s it had twelve employees ; and complaints against its interference with the correspondence of private citizens figured in a number of the cahiers presented to the States-General in 1789 .
27 The entire cycle of wealth and waste , consumption and status buying , accompanied by the deep roar of the capitalist engine turning over ever faster , needed a name by which to handle its concepts and in 1957 it got one .
28 Er I have n't unfortunately , no , but I 'm pretty sure it said two hundred pounds a week .
29 They might say How do you make sure it 'd pure ?
30 Mrs McMahon offered inadequate comfort and made bad worse by saying she was sure it looked lovely and not to be so silly .
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