Example sentences of "[adj] and the [det] " in BNC.

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1 Further details on this and the many other new products in the new range are available from Sony ( UK ) Ltd. , Sony House , South Street , Staines , Middlesex TW18 4PF .
2 The two men , according to Arthur Schlesinger , " found the same things funny and the same things serious " despite the generation gap .
3 This perennial plant 's big , bold , green clumps , measuring 90cm/3ft high and the same in diameter , grow even bigger and more productive before they deteriorate after a few years ' growth , and are then best replaced .
4 This would leave a difficult boundary for patients with learning difficulties so profound as to require treatment in a hospital or specialist residential home , the former being free and the latter funded by social services and means tested .
5 The amount is identical but the former is tax free and the latter is not .
6 Pseudo-Ulpian suggests that the distinction between civil-law dispositions and trusts is that the former are in direct and the latter in precatory words .
7 With the former rental is set up at such a rate that the full cost of the equipment is recovered plus a return , whilst with the latter the contract is shorter and the same equipment may be leased to a number of lessees .
8 George won the English championship for the mile and the four miles in 1879 and the same distances at the inaugural Amateur Athletic Association championships , which were open to the world in the following year .
9 " All communities divide themselves into the few and the many .
10 This crazy world whirled about her , men and women dwarfed by toys and puppets , where even the birds were mechanical and the few human figures went masked and played musical instruments in the small and terrible hours of the night into which again she had been thrust .
11 The former scored 52.3 and the latter scored 57.9 .
12 A comparison between the third quarter of 1991 and the same period a year earlier , an increase of 44 per cent , shows signs of a slackening in recessionary pressures : between the third quarters of 1989 and 1990 , there was a 64 per cent increase .
13 So erm , if you 're looking , if you 're looking for semantic structure , which is any structure such as and you then provide interpretations for parts of sentences and rules are getting sentence meaning from word meaning in the structure , you can get by with crude structures that do n't discriminate very much and the same applies to logic .
14 With a bifilar winding the same result is achieved by two pole windings in opposite senses , as illustrated for one pole in Each of the bifilar pole windings must have as many turns as the original winding and the same rated current , so a bifilar winding has twice the volume of a conventional winding .
15 The former was in charge of the investigations into the shooting at Abbey Meat Packers , Ltd. and the latter was one of the police officers assisting him .
16 The suffering of God is not eternal and infinite ; it is human and limited and the same kind of suffering as that of Auschwitz or of cerebral meningitis .
17 Both these results are the best possible and the latter reduced Thistlethwaite 's method by two moves .
18 What number would go into fifty and the same number go into a hundred and fifty ?
19 They are , first , that it should be possible to distinguish different forms of latent inhibition based on associative and non-associative mechanisms , the former being short-lived and the latter more nearly permanent .
20 When you analyze their conscious , , you discover that all the changes and the rewritings level after a tendentious purpose to hide certain things and to keep certain things in the repressed and the same is true o of the Bible , in other words all these rewritings and were not just random , they were often motivated by a desire to hide or change certain things .
21 In cases such as that of a personnel file , for which the number of attributes is relatively low and the same for each record , a bit-pattern index can be a compact way of storing information about the file .
22 The red fox , for instance was found to produce the greatest degree of breakage , with no humeri or femora being preserved intact and the former represented by 83 per cent distal ends and the latter by 62 per cent proximal ends .
23 Have we just got that and the that ?
24 If we get first division people I 'll do it a different way to him if I had to end up with second division people and the responsibilities they take on board will very much reflect that and the same surely should happen to the field sales force erm their abilities are reflected in in what sort of activities we give them and by looking at the people we have we then put together a team to most accurately attack whatever we want to do .
25 He had a win/loss record of 76/17 and the fewest number of 1st round loses of any other player in 1991 , ( one , in 20 tournaments entered ) .
26 Full details , including written information , of these and the many other services available from Midland , can be obtained from any of our branches , or from Midland Bank plc , Marketing Department , Griffin House , P.O. Box 2 , Sheffield , S1 3GG .
27 Therefore , PCNA may serve as a useful marker for proliferation if the conditions of fixation are held constant and the same antibody is used throughout the experiment .
28 It was more than two decades since he had taken offence at the term-a term used all the while in court , where the Han were predominant and the few Caucasians treated as honorary Han — yet here , in the Domain , he felt the words incongruous , almost — surprisingly — insulting .
29 All these weapons can be lethal and the same tactics must be used against each one : stay out of range of the weapon ; grab anything that equals the odds and extends your own striking range ; and fight back with such determination and intensity that your attacker is either overwhelmed or forced back , allowing you to escape .
30 about being tired and the same thing happened , waiting on them coming in and then going to bed and I could n't get over
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