Example sentences of "[adj] country where [art] " in BNC.

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1 In doing so it became one of the few countries where the brand has an active agency handling Guinness through the retail distribution system .
2 Unlike most European countries where a close association between unions and political parties has been a longstanding phenomenon , US unions have little close and direct connection with political parties and have relied very heavily on collective bargaining rather than political activity as the means of achieving their ends .
3 Reference might be made to East European countries where the structure of society and the public library 's function in that society is somewhat different to the Western world .
4 This is of particularly lively concern in those Eastern European countries where the churches have only recently gained access to the mass media .
5 since his whole time is to be employed in collecting and in such countries where no Botanist has yet been .
6 Similarly there seem to be many cultures in tropical countries where the women get on with the necessary work while the men sit around discussing matters .
7 Not surprisingly , these developments have been most widely exploited among the developed countries where the barriers to integration have been least .
8 The data come mainly from industrialised countries where the pattern of STDs differs from that in Africa .
9 and er , and as a result , you know , institutes , the wages in government bodies tend to be quite high , and because gov government bodies represent such a large proportion of er , non- agricultural employment they , they represent a much more sort of , a much more potent influence than they would do in a , in a developed country where the government sector is much , much smaller .
10 In a European context there are many countries where a high proportion of the school population stay in school or technical education until after the age of 18 .
11 In many countries where the climate is hot , salt in the ground and in groundwater can cause serious damage to road surfaces .
12 We are confident A Study Skills Handbook will become a mini-classic with a wide section of students worldwide , especially in those countries where the gap between ‘ spoon-fed ’ secondary education and the more scholarly approach of university education is at its widest .
13 Starting in those countries where the rehabilitative approach had progressed furthest , the United States ( see the American Friends Service Committee , 1971 ) , and Scandinavia ( see Christie , 1974 ) this reversal of opinion soon established itself in Britain ( see Bean , 1976 ; Hood , 1978 ; Taylor , Lacey and Bracken , 1980 ) .
14 In those countries where the royalty has already been introduced one option chosen by some governments has been to use part of the income from the levy to set up a fund to give special help to the national music scene .
15 This is clearly the assumption in those countries where the condition is widely ‘ treated ’ with a variety of drugs .
16 According to the WWF , trade has ceased in those countries where the ban has been enforced : Japan , Hong Kong and Macao .
17 Even in those countries where the , the real firing has stopped , there 's the aftermath .
18 Interestingly , a 12-hour day is regularly being practised in those countries where an afternoon siesta is taken , and also by those watch-keepers on merchant ships where the shift pattern of the officers is often 4 hours work followed by 8 hours leisure and sleep , the combination being undertaken twice each 24 hours .
19 A contrast may be drawn in this respect between the highly fragmented union movements in Anglo-Saxon countries where the historical and ideological connection between socialism and trade unionism was much weaker , and the formation of broad , comprehensive interest organisations on the part of the working class by way of the existence of large industrial unions in those European countries such as Sweden , Austria and Germany with a strong socialist tradition ( Streeck , 1981 ) .
20 So , Korea is the only country where the Catholic Church was founded not by missionaries , but by the people themselves .
21 Government spending on health was cut in nearly half the African countries and in 60% of Latin American countries where the IMF was involved from 1980 to 1985 :
22 In other countries where the British breeds were prominent the same trend was often followed , until it was realised , in the USA and South Africa in particular , that the cattle were becoming functionally inefficient and that the dwarfing gene was spreading dangerously within the three British beef breeds .
23 That may happen in other countries where the same situation applies .
24 All money raised for the charity from the marathon will be channelled into specific projects in five African countries where the future of the elephant is known to be under particularly serious threat .
25 The other aspect is there are a large number of people a large number of these countries depend on their forest industries for producing foreign exchange which is particularly scant , a lot of the world , particularly Africa is suffering from debt problems , erm I worked in Uganda for 14 years and I found it really to get back there : the salary of a forest officer now is something , is worth in real terms something like 1 percent of what it was in 1962. erm His salary in 1962 was something in the region of six thousand a year in present terms , it 's now worth £60. erm He has to go out and get most of his livelihood from some other source , and Uganda 's an extreme case , but there are many other African countries where the position is similar .
26 Such oral cancers are a particular problem in India and certain other Asian countries where the use of oral tobacco is widespread .
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