Example sentences of "[adj] way so [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The reader may think that the result is already known , but all too often different populations behave in different ways so that although there may be an expected result to an investigation it will not be a foregone conclusion .
2 Over the last decade , benefits for the unemployed have been cut in some 50 different ways so that the living standards of those out of work have fallen even further behind those of other citizens . ’
3 the task can be systematized or programmed in some way so that others can carry out the routines strictly to your requirements , thus reoccurring items are frequently delegated without undue risks being incurred
4 She wanted to kiss him , to soften him , to diminish him in some way so that she felt safer , more human .
5 It is perhaps a feature which could be added to many of the existing railways in some way so that the many enthusiastic photographers can enjoy that aspect of our hobbies without some of the restrictions that are presented today ?
6 differentiate its broad product range in some way so that it is not competing directly with lower-cost products , or
7 What we need to do is steal his thunder in some way so that he realises how pointless it would be to write a story or even make any of those veiled suggestions that reporters of his ilk seem to be so good at . ’
8 In normal development , the cells may act in this way so that the developing baby is not attacked by the mother 's defence system .
9 I 'll put it this way so that you 've not the plaster on your your bruised bit .
10 Every village school in Eritrea is designed in this way so as to prevent detection from the air by the MIGs and Antanov bombers of the Ethiopian air force .
11 To make sure that we 're able to put our point across clearly so that we speak in a clear way so that people do n't have any er doubts as to what you actually mean .
12 In this second case , identity consists in matter being continuously arranged in a similar way so as to ‘ partake of the same life ’ .
13 While it is true that we have until now been concerned with consciousness , and used the term " mental events " in the ordinary way so as not to include all that may be included in the mental , the rest of the subject-matter of that domain is not thereby excluded from our coming reflections .
14 Not only giving injections , but even branding horses can be done in a calm , easy , and reassuring way so that the horse is not upset .
15 The analysts had so far carried out a largely theoretical exercise , developing models in a detached and objective way so that broad-based ideas about future strategies could be discussed with the College Principals and officers from the LEA headquarters .
16 Given that the implications are so profound , however , there is an urgent need to consider ways in which data from the 1991 census and vital registration can be linked in more illuminating ways so as to examine the phenomenon of the unoccupied in more depth .
17 Yes , I can always put this round the reverse way so that goes in there well it wo n't
18 Basically , a general program , supplied with the data layout and validation requirements of the study , guides the keypuncher page by page through the questionnaire form ( or similar document ) in a helpful way so as to facilitate error-free transfer of the information and to give immediate warning of any data anomalies that can be detected as well as providing a mechanism for correcting mistakes .
19 These elections must take place in a clean and decent way so that our revolution is not tarnished . ’
20 The concept of structure allows cultural phenomena to be described in a ( relatively ) context independent way so that general instances can be analysed .
21 Technique , first of all , is the ability to use a stroke in the simplest way so as to achieve the best stroke .
22 For large companies in Japan , however , the free market has been controlled in various ways so as to ‘ mitigate the unfettered ravages of a market economy ’ ( Saxonhouse 1979 p.320 ) .
23 Making computers ‘ think ’ ( not necessarily as humans do , but in a logical , inferential way so that they can do more than arithmetic ) is a ‘ grand vision ’ for Edward Feigenbaum , one of the Prometheuses of AI , Feigenbaum is a computer scientist and senior investigator for computer heuristics ( common rules of thumb for thinking ) at Stanford University in California .
24 It preserves a relative autonomy for cultural and ideological elements ( musical structures and song lyrics , for example ) but also insists that those combinatory patterns that are actually constructed do mediate deep , objective patterns in the socio-economic formation , and that the mediation takes place in struggle : the classes fight to articulate together constituents of the cultural repertoire in particular ways so that they are organized in terms of principles or sets of values determined by the position and interests of the class in the prevailing mode of production .
25 Right , they do n't change much as a result of the degrees of freedom er adjustment okay with er squared distribution yes , sort of different distribution but we interpret the tables in exactly the same way so if you just have a look on your screen erm , there 's an L M version of the serial correlation test , right , and that has a squared distribution one right and the test statistic we obtain on your screens is calculated in two point eight eight , no two point zero eight .
26 They are represented ( perhaps , more accurately , mis-represented ) in a particular way so that when they become anchored they must become objectified .
27 The thin man said Crane should be left to make his own way so that the rest of them could ride as fast as they could down one of the tracks to the south .
28 Go that way so if she goes into the Hea the Health Centre and says , you know that she 's from Hill
29 Types of learning are distinguished , and are arranged in an hierarchical way so that earlier types are necessary conditions for later types of learning .
30 Friend stood back — or rather , his pattern spun off a little way so that she could see what it was that they had built inside the black of infinity .
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