Example sentences of "[adj] way [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The colony that never was may find fresh ways to annoy the giant with which proximity entangles it .
2 There are two different ways to voice an idea .
3 I have a hundred different ways to earn a living .
4 Standard components can be assembled in different ways to suit a variety of requirements .
5 Here are three different ways to represent a state .
6 Finding different ways to describe a miserable unchanging pattern is becoming as difficult for the car market as it is for the weather men .
7 From 1650 onwards , in partial imitation of Hobbes , a variety of authors managed in their different ways to transform the biblical thesis that civilization reflects a decline from a pristine state of grace into a cynical doctrine which declares that the observed condition of man in society has been superimposed by social restraints or cultural conditioning upon a pre-human condition of animality in which " man " was a solitary brute devoid of any kind of natural humanity .
8 There are lots of different ways to make a buttonhole and here are some for you to try .
9 NoS people were not just inexperienced in business , but were opposed to its methods , and consciously trying to do things in a different way to prove the rottenness of the capitalist system .
10 Another interesting way to fill a flower bed is to think of a colour scheme and plant out accordingly .
11 I might even be able to think of a n interesting way to make a larger profit that I would by tamely handing or over the Fraxillians .
12 When the band became serious , I thought this is a far more contemporary and interesting way to make an artistic statement .
13 Using the Power Station is the safest and neatest way to distribute the power to all the other units here .
14 The encroachment of urban sprawl on the countryside may be cause for regret , but we are a nation of gardeners , and the English passion for gardening goes some way to ameliorate the impact of an increasing population on a small crowded island .
15 Everything has a reason , every piece of behaviour functions in some way to improve the chances of survival of the animal concerned .
16 The model also goes some way to clarify the problem of the ‘ humanities ’ .
17 Also references in this book to the extent of soil erosion are drawn from a wide variety of sources and go some way to corroborate the view that , whether it is important or not , environmental degradation is certainly happening .
18 The massive tax increases that lie ahead should go some way to reassure the financial markets that he is determined to redress a recessionary budget deficit now projected to run at £50 billion — £1 billion a week — in the current year .
19 A The fungus that affects fish is present in all ponds , but often it requires the skin of the fish to be damaged in some way to allow the fungus to grow on the body of the fish .
20 And these facts go some way to explain the astonishing further fact that the Ultra secret was kept not merely during the War , but for 30 years afterwards — a phenomenon that may well be unparalleled in history !
21 Probably not , but one ca n't help but speculate that the popularity of the showband in the Republic might go some way to explain the somewhat over-earnest search for ‘ authenticity ’ exhibited by U2 .
22 While the changes may go some way to prolong the life of existing fields , there are fears that it could discourage the development of new ones .
23 In a remarkable letter which he wrote in nineteen-eighteen , he said , ‘ I must , before I die , find some way to say the essential thing that is in me , that I have never said yet , a thing that is not love , or hate , or pity , or scorn , but the very breath of life , fierce and coming from far away , bringing into human life the vastness and the fearful passionless force of non-human things . ’
24 This will go some way to draw the fire of the Government 's critics , but he can still expect a rough ride for the bill on the House of Lords .
25 However , formulae such as " adjectives precede their nouns " do not take us beyond a very shallow level of linguistic description ; nor is it an improvement to find phrases such as " an attributive adjective " unless the description proceeds in some way to give an account of how a term like attributive may mean something more than a simple statement about formal grouping .
26 Although it is not yet known if the H2T cell line expresses TGF α , these findings go some way to support the hypothesis proposed by Korc and others that TGF α may have a role as an autocrine growth stimulator in pancreatic cancer .
27 It 's the one room that has in some way to accommodate the changing interests of all members of the family ; it 's also the room that is most on show , the room where your guests stay the longest .
28 The absence of a non-Roman catholic school in the immediate area and the naïve belief that they were empowered in some way to have a say in what type of school should appear on their housing estate — there was a small Roman catholic school which was to be expanded to cater for the growth of the population — may have sharpened catholic parents ' interest in having an integrated school .
29 Instead we must present this sequence as entirely Waindell Leavitt 's folly , into which Claudia is drawn in some way to protect the Masai against manipulation .
30 These figures , perhaps , go some way to dispute the widely-expressed view that Pipe is the greatest jump trainer in racing history .
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