Example sentences of "[adj] give she [art] " in BNC.

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1 He was not free to give her the untrammelled life that she deserved .
2 ( Yet some instinct told me that I must be careful to give her no cause for having a grievance .
3 Then in September , Sue announced that she was leaving the BBC after 20 years to join Granada Television which , she said , was fully prepared to give her the freedom necessary to put together the type of programme she truly wanted to make .
4 Thank goodness , though that for all he was n't so free with his smiles he had a terrific sense of humour and had not held against her the blunt , not to say impolite way she 'd asked if he was prepared to give her an interview .
5 They are very willing to give her the chance she needs and deserves . ’
6 This gave her a certain mystique : everyone wants fame , fame , fame and more fame , do n't they ?
7 This gave her the opportunity to bleat even more madly , puffing noisily between bleats to prove how sorely she was being tried .
8 This gave her the entrée into many whispering galleries of politics and the drawing-rooms if not the corridors of power .
9 I paused to get my breath and this gave her an opening .
10 This gave her an opportunity to work in Bradford and she extended her interest and investigations into the period of time between 11 and 14 , when a child becomes a woman .
11 Making up her mind is the first stage as this gives her a clear aim and plan .
12 Or make some patronising remark about her cute rear end and how he would be delighted to give her a lift over ?
13 Her two Deutz engines with 1670 HP each give her a comfortable cruising speed of 14 kn with a range of miles .
14 2 caterpillar 490 HP each give her a speed of 11 kn cruising with a range of miles .
15 She wanted a house of her own , and she persuaded Fabien to give her the money to buy Les Hiboux in her own name .
16 But , to her way of thinking , and bearing in mind Lubor 's loyalty to his employer , it surely could n't be considered disloyal to give her a hint of when he would be back from Prague .
17 Fanny Burney said to Johnson that Shakespeare ‘ could never have seen a Caliban ’ , and Johnson told her that having seen a man Shakespeare knew how to vary one ; ‘ A man who would draw a monstrous cow , must first know what a cow commonly is ; or how can he tell that to give her an ass 's head or an elephant 's tusk will make her monstrous ? ’
18 She was such a heroine in her own way because it was not possible to give her the attention and comfort she deserved yet she never complained .
19 If we all give her a little of our pastry , she 'll get a lot , and we 'll have some left as well .
20 The sight of them all gave her a feeling of warmth and contentment .
21 Annie was nursed back to full health by the kind nuns who adopted her and they were able to give her a good education .
22 As I have described , she had consulted me many years back over a libel matter which I had discouraged her — unsuccessfully — from pursuing , with calamitous financial results ; but I was able to give her a little assistance in another matter which to some small extent repaired the damage arising from the first disaster .
23 Aisling 's condition is quite severe but the doctor was able to give her a discernible lip-line and reduce the depth of staining on her face by up to 20pc .
24 And that today Jean still resorts to cutting herself , reflects her basic lack of self-esteem , as well as her need to try to ‘ reach ’ someone who will be able to give her the help she so desperately needs .
25 If you do n't , your emotional strength will gradually be sapped , to the point when you will no longer be able to give her the support she requires , and the whole arrangement may collapse around you .
26 She was such a lovely girl and had such a sweet nature that he would be distressed to think Harry might not be able to give her the depths of love she deserved .
27 Her mother said : ‘ Those former foster parents , who she 's been once a year to Spain with , they have been able to give her the luxuries that I could not afford to give her . ’
28 The thought of entering the disaster area of an elderly widow 's grief and shouldering some of the responsibility for helping her to bear it , and to rebuild what is left of her life , is enough to create feelings of anxiety in anyone ; and admittedly this can be a very difficult assignment , for not only will you be well aware that you are unable to give her the one thing she really wants — the return of her husband — but you will feel , as we all do when faced with the bereaved , that their personality seems suddenly to have been crushed like a flower under the heel of a vandal , showing it to be so fragile and vulnerable that almost any attempt to revive it would seem to be doomed to failure .
29 Weeks of painstaking work on the complex choreography of her 40 minute show pay off as she struts , high-kicks and glides around the tiny , tightly guarded stage singing the song that first gave her the confidence to dream of a career as a pop star .
30 It read as if having to play auntie instead of Schumann first gave her the idea of coming over — Here 's our hunter home from the hill . ’
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