Example sentences of "[adj] out [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What Dunadd has most provocatively to offer is a hollowed out bowl in one slab of rock , accompanied by carvings of a boar , the outline of a footprint , and several lines of ogam inscription .
2 1 A term used by Mary Finocchiaro , which she defines as the natural out growth of a lesson .
3 So , from the all out thrash of ‘ Invitation To Dinner ’ the album veers through the enchanting ‘ I Can See You ’ , where Dr and the Medics meet The Alarm ( I kid you not ) , to the dark , disturbing ‘ Come To Daddy ’ , a frank account of child abuse with nightmarish male vocals and Clair taking the role of the innocent child to chilling effect .
4 So , from the all out thrash of ‘ Invitation To Dinner ’ the album veers through the enchanting ‘ I Can See You ’ , where Dr and the Medics meet The Alarm ( I kid you not ) , to the dark , disturbing ‘ Come To Daddy ’ , a frank account of child abuse with nightmarish male vocals and Clair taking the role of the innocent child to chilling effect .
5 Jake had a small boat , with inboard engine , and he would take us all out fishing below the sheer red , ragged Berwickshire cliffs .
6 Our Development Steering Group met in April and because we were by then well into our financial year it was decided that with an all out effort on everyone 's part we should be able to raise the £8000 for 1988 .
7 Town halls should make an all out effort for interest and warmth to counteract the pervasive greyness outside .
8 In the course of the project just under half the parish Memoirs deposited in the Royal Irish Academy are to be prepared for indexing by computer so that these will be available in a printed out form from the microcomputer .
9 Burton found a burned out dinghy on the waterline with German markings .
10 It appears to me that the arguments which I have heard involve the consideration of three separate questions , namely : ( 1 ) does the ex turpi causa maxim and its related rules ( which I will refer to as ‘ the ex turpi causa defence ’ ) afford a defence to a claim for contribution under the Act of 1978 ? ( 2 ) If the ex turpi causa defence is capable of so applying , can it be said , with the degree of certainty necessary for a striking out order to be made , that the defence will exclude any contribution from the third party in the circumstances of this case ? ( 3 ) Leaving aside the ex turpi causa defence , can it be said with the necessary degree of certainty that the court will , under section 2(1) and ( 2 ) of the Act of 1978 , exempt the third party from liability to make contribution even if he has been negligent in the performance of some duty of care owed to the plaintiffs ?
11 BBC director of UK Television Keith Owen says : ‘ We have had a hold on all sales to cable and satellite , pending out decision with Thames .
12 This order is basically a First In First Out method with a simple modification .
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