Example sentences of "[adj] who [vb base] him " in BNC.

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1 In leaner years , the branch might have folded without the hard work put in by Sam Parker , and the award of this certificate will be applauded by all who know him .
2 He is held in the highest esteem by all who know him .
3 ‘ As a man he was kind , genial and respected by all who know him .
4 God offers a place in heaven to all who serve Him .
5 Hebrews 5.8–9 tells us that : ‘ Although he was a Son , he learned obedience through what he suffered ; and being made perfect he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him . ’
6 Some press and television people — even some of those who support him — talk of his apparent decency in this election campaign as if it were a vice .
7 I join him in saying that the enforcement of law and order in the Province of Northern Ireland lies with Her Majesty 's Government , the Chief Constable and those who support him .
8 Jesus is always available and ready to meet the needs of those who seek him .
9 Holy is his name , and his mercy reaches from age to age for those who fear him .
10 Equally , it depends on the horse 's intensely social nature , his own understanding of the use of visual cues , and his desire to stay close to those who make him feel safe .
11 He will plead before the Father the cause of those who confess him ( Matt.
12 The more simplistic versions of Derrida are common both to those who admire him and those who detest him .
13 We know he 's thorough , and puts such fear into those who serve him that they do his work as he will have it done .
14 James , writing in the New Testament , focuses on the fact that we pray to the ‘ giving God ’ , who enjoys giving to those who ask him .
15 This , if it is original , would suggest that Luke saw the Holy Spirit as the supremely desirable object of prayer ( as in his version of the saying of Jesus , recorded in 11:13 , ‘ If you , being evil , know how to give good gifts to your children , how much more shall the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him ’ — compared with Matthew who reads ‘ good gifts ’ for ‘ the Holy Spirit ’ ) .
16 Indeed , in the immediate context of the Lucan Lord 's Prayer , Jesus promises that the Father will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him .
17 In the second camp are those who regard him as a true philosopher , however provocative his manner , who is restating traditional philosophical problems in a new way .
18 The Socialist Minister has not missed an opportunity to remind those who regard him only as a tireless champion of culture that he is a qualified professor of international law .
19 Those who remember him say he had an uncanny knack of being instantly able to visualise a course even over rough ground or farmland .
20 Gerald Kaufman is another who will hesitate to play the sporting card , although there are those who remember him as a midfield dynamo , eternally squabbling with the referee and being booked for ‘ violence of the tongue ’ , an offence which he is said to have invented .
21 Disconcertingly to those who remember him as Old Stoneface , he even laughs occasionally now .
22 Mediators also lack self-assurance , something that Jesus promised to give to all those who follow him .
23 We will take reminders of His promise of life eternal for those who follow Him .
24 Telling though the silence of the majority of the Turkish sources is , however , it is neither possible nor necessary to reject outright the assertion of Katib Celebi and those who follow him that Hizir Bey was in some sense mufti of Istanbul .
25 Much the same line of argument applies to the further assertion by Katib Celebi and those who follow him that Molla Husrev succeeded Hizir Bey as Mufti .
26 Er he he he had been , in verse twenty five , now great multitudes were going along with him , and he turned to them and said to them , and you got there what he tell , what he says , he 's talking about discipleship , and of the importance of following him , and the cost that will be involved in following him , and the responsibility of those who follow him , that they are to be salt within their generation , within their environment .
27 The apostles , the folk who had known Jesus in the old days in Galilee , Stephen , Paul ; all are ‘ witnesses of these things ; and so is the Holy Spirit whom God had given to those who obey him ’ ( Acts 5:32 ) .
28 A Disaffection is a problematical book — because of this closeness : we learn very little about how Doyle is seen by companions , very little about the standpoint of those who surround him , those with whom he has his tender and abrasive dealings , with whom he airs his invectives and bitter ironies , with whom he conducts his antagonisms and ingratiations .
29 A few unpublished annual reports and fragmentary descriptions are all we have to weigh against the claims made by Heber and those who cite him .
30 But those who know him well say that Sir Patrick 's tact and political skills will disarm his critics and persuade them to work with him .
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