Example sentences of "[adj] would have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As to the possibility of the crew shooting some extra footage whilst at the museum , I am afraid this would have to be dependent on the time taken for the shots we plan for use in our Project Video .
2 This would have to be followed up by provision of appropriate help .
3 This would have to be convenient for London , where most of the participants lived , and , in view of the unorthodox nature of the enterprise , preferably in private ownership .
4 If I was only allowed to have one jazz record this would have to be a contender , together with number 8 .
5 The active version of this would have to be something like :
6 This would have to be the last mountain .
7 ‘ Four weeks ago there was a lineside fire problem with a steam locomotive and our operations people agreed with the promoters that this would have to be monitored carefully .
8 The United States then argued that if the European members of NATO were unwilling or unable to strengthen the alliance , then this would have to be achieved by permitting West Germany to rearm .
9 This would have to be remembered in the rough and tumble of debate .
10 It is difficult to envisage the numbers it would be necessary to accommodate during this period , however I would estimate a rough requirement to accommodate 30 to 40 staff , although this would have to be kept under review in the light of the public 's response and changes required to known data .
11 Since none of these appear in Journal Citation Reports , this would have to be assessed by a combination of factors :
12 Since none of these appear in Journal Citation Reports , this would have to be assessed by a combination of factors :
13 Finance Minister Ruth Richardson said that this would have to be made up from other cuts in public spending .
14 It is i i I I we have a wide range of changes that would flow out from that so you could n't just take a change to Cornwall which would then create an oversized Devon seat , I quite accept that and we 've argued from the first that this would have to be part of the review as a whole .
15 In many cases , database management systems will be provided with the microcomputer although this would have to be judged in terms of suitability for use by pupils .
16 God knew what effect this would have on Mrs Browning , but as she went to bed that night she had no feelings of optimism left and already there yawned ahead a great void .
17 An example of this sort of difficulty in English law is Launchbury v. Morgans in which the House of Lords declined to extend the vicarious liability of the owner of a car for negligence of its driver because it lacked information about the impact this would have on the insurance industry .
18 Mountbatten , Wavell , and Auchinleck as the Commander-in-Chief India were deeply concerned about the effect this would have on Indian national feeling .
19 Once the Government announced its intention to withdraw clause 54(4) a number of Members were anxious to elucidate what effect this would have on classes of taxpayers who enjoyed in-house benefits : concessionary transport for railwaymen , airline employees and merchant seamen ; concessionary accommodation for hotel employees ; concessionary education for the children of teachers .
20 It was unclear what effect this would have on oil prices abroad .
21 Secondly , and far more important , the main factor in most men 's standard of living was not what they could earn but what they could produce , and here conditions were dominated not by economic relationships with other men but by something far more basic , the annual and unpredictable variations in the weather and the effects which this would have on the harvest .
22 Questions arose as to whether the new regulatory system introduced by the Act would permit or require practices inconsistent with common law fiduciary duties , and , to the extent that it did , the impact this would have on fiduciary duties .
23 No one knows what effect this would have on voters .
24 We er emphasised to him the impact this would have on Oxfordshire 's er spending requirements and er the hope that the er spending that we get , and we get it in two ways ; one is through , called the standard spending grant , that is a general grant that was given to authorities to spend as they wish , and the other is a specific grants which are given for particular purposes , and some of them cover the legislation that I have mentioned , which we are required to spend specifically on the items for which they 're given .
25 ‘ The council really needs to consider fully the effect this would have upon the ratepayers , particularly if other groups come along asking for similar dispensation , ’ the DoE spokesperson also explained .
26 Using 1 to 9 as the base , to cover 26 subjects some would have to be allocated a two-character notation .
27 Since one certainty had already been destroyed , another would have to be built .
28 Any decision that preparation and presentation should be separate would have to be justified to the public and be open in the last resort to judicial review .
29 These would have to be raised to pay for the damage they caused in acid rain and global warming .
30 These would have to be stringent enough to ensure that the country 's borrowing did not put pressure on national or Community interest rates .
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