Example sentences of "[adj] say that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some say that Linear A is related to the Phoenician and Palestinian languages , and that the texts contain lists of people and quantities of produce ; but it would be premature to assume this .
2 And some say that tight SEC rules on shareholders ' freedom to talk to one another , and to their company , hinder good corporate governance .
3 For example , it steadfastly refuses to ban lead in petrol even though there is now no scientist of repute willing to say that leaded petrol is , on balance , blameless and even though opinion polls have shown a massive public consensus against lead in petrol .
4 It is wrong to say that real ale should be served at room temperature : too warm and the beer tastes tacky and rancid ; too cold and the subtle palate of the beer is masked by the chill .
5 This said that Soviet historians had recently discovered documents revealing that in April-May 1940 all but 394 inmates of the three camps had been turned over to NKVD administrations in Smolensk , Voroshilovgrad and Kalinin , and had been " never again mentioned in NKVD statistical accounts " .
6 A joint CRN-CCAOD communiqué broadcast on March 30 said that free elections at municipal , legislative and presidential level would be held before Jan. 1 , 1992 , and that the army would return to barracks on Jan. 20 .
7 The Guardian of Feb. 12 said that Kuwaiti refugees arriving in al-Ruweishid , Jordan , had confirmed an outbreak of cholera and worsening food shortages .
8 The second says that individual non-observation sentences can not be verified or falsified on their own .
9 The OECD in its report published in July 1991 said that economic growth had slowed in 1990 to 3.5 per cent compared with growth of 4 per cent in 1989 .
10 It is historically untrue to say that religious decline in Europe began in the twentieth century : the majority of working people in the first one hundred years of industrialism were not regular churchgoers ( though the new middle classes were ) .
11 It would be naive to say that marital dissatisfaction is always a feature in marital unfaithfulness but in long-term or continued adultery the comment is probably a true one .
12 It would be simplistic to interpret ‘ TransForm ’ as a study of the overlapping and interconnection of painting and sculpture in the twentieth century ; it would be more exact to say that avant-garde movements abandoned the concept of ‘ a painting ’ or ‘ a sculpture ’ as such .
13 The younger said that religious experience was too valid to be dismissed by mere reason , that reason was not all of humanity .
14 I am glad to say that immense capital investment is going into that , which did not happen under the last Labour Government .
15 Butler sometimes talks of a passion as directed at one 's ‘ having ’ its object , but it seems more satisfactory to say that particular passions are directed at occurrences , and that the basic one can not be directed ; t the occurrence of pleasure for oneself since this always stems from having something occur one wished to do so .
16 They thought it unsatisfactory to say that moral qualities are distinguished by sense or feeling rather than by reason .
17 It is all very well to say that local circumstances will dictate responses but there will be many similar circumstances from place to place , so that there is clear benefit in adopting common approaches if not standard solutions .
18 The Chinese say that regular practice can increase the elasticity of the lung and heart tissues , thus improving the lung 's capacity and increasing the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide .
19 I hope that he will be able to say that great attention is now being given to Lord Cullen 's concerns about the ventilation systems .
20 It is certainly not objectionable to say that personal freedom is sometimes limited : any society based on the rule of law does that .
21 An official announcement issued in Kathmandu on Jan. 3 said that Hussain Ibrahim Zaki ( Maldives ) had succeeded K. K. Bhargava ( India ) as Secretary-General of the South Asian Association for Regional Co-Operation .
22 It has been a tactic of both supporters and opponents of economic and monetary union to play down the significance of these proposals , the first saying that monetary union will not significantly compromise sovereignty , the others sometimes dismissing talk of European union as nothing more than Euro-waffle .
23 It is reasonably accurate to say that good teaching comes largely from thorough planning , yet all too often far too little planning time is made available .
24 Radio of Russia on Feb. 16 said that Russian enterprises had a powerful incentive to acquire roubles , and that because of a lack of roubles , they were being forced to put goods on the market which they had been trying to hold back .
25 Official Soviet media reports from Moscow on Feb. 16 said that Tadjik and Azerbaijani " militants " had been actively promoting rumours , in areas of Uzbekistan bordering Tadjikistan , that Armenian refugees were to be resettled there .
26 A report in Le Monde of March 31-April 1 said that French Foreign Legion troops , flown in to assist the Rwandan forces when the rebel invasion began the previous October [ see pp. 37765-66 ] , were being withdrawn following the ceasefire .
27 He had been temporary chargé d'affaires at the Netherlands embassy in Baghdad from September to October 1990 , but the Tunisian Foreign Ministry on March 1 said that initial investigations suggested no political motives .
28 It is fair to say that international organizations are much more sensitive to this accusation than formerly .
29 It is probably fair to say that full-time tribunal chairmen are considered of roughly equal status to circuit judges , with Presidents , regional chairmen and lawyer members of appellate tribunals roughly equal to High Court judges .
30 I think it is fair to say that hard words were spoken , but I never knew exactly what was said .
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