Example sentences of "[adj] say that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some say that Linear A is related to the Phoenician and Palestinian languages , and that the texts contain lists of people and quantities of produce ; but it would be premature to assume this .
2 Some say that this is still a ‘ jobless ’ recovery ; or at least , as Dick Gephardt , the leader of the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives , argued on May 11th , a recovery with no good jobs .
3 Some say that any serious promise should count , whilst others insist that there should be an intention to enter legal relations ; meanwhile other theorists prefer the language of agreement and consent to that of promises and intention .
4 Some say that more people died that year than during the rebellion 10 years before .
5 And some say that tight SEC rules on shareholders ' freedom to talk to one another , and to their company , hinder good corporate governance .
6 Verse 2 says that 400,000 footmen " that drew the sword " assembled .
7 For example , it steadfastly refuses to ban lead in petrol even though there is now no scientist of repute willing to say that leaded petrol is , on balance , blameless and even though opinion polls have shown a massive public consensus against lead in petrol .
8 A well-known example is ‘ controversy ’ , which is pronounced by some speakers as and by others as ; it would be quite wrong to say that one version was correct and one incorrect .
9 It is wrong to say that real ale should be served at room temperature : too warm and the beer tastes tacky and rancid ; too cold and the subtle palate of the beer is masked by the chill .
10 This said that Soviet historians had recently discovered documents revealing that in April-May 1940 all but 394 inmates of the three camps had been turned over to NKVD administrations in Smolensk , Voroshilovgrad and Kalinin , and had been " never again mentioned in NKVD statistical accounts " .
11 But , I am afraid to say that this month 's Ultimate Brandy Snap , filled with gooseberry fool ( page 124 ) , is best served either on its own , or with a small tot of brandy .
12 Afterwards the general meeting was disappointed and some said that this commission was unrepresentative of the Churches and ought to be disregarded .
13 A Ukrainian Defence Ministry statement of Jan. 2 said that all troops in Ukraine , except strategic nuclear forces , were directly subordinate to the Ukrainian President .
14 Reports on Aug. 2 said that hundreds of people were killed after an explosion at an arms depot in Kabul thought to have been triggered by rockets fired by mujaheddin .
15 Reports on Jan. 30 said that two military judges in Padua examining the legality of " Gladio " had , in an interim indictment , charged the organization with " possible acts of terrorism " and claimed that it had maintained close links with the fascist " Marine Star " established after the Second World War .
16 A Soviet Foreign Ministry statement of Nov. 30 said that such an action would set a " dangerous international precedent " .
17 Some official sources on June 30 said that one gunman had been killed in the exchange of fire but that a second was under interrogation .
18 A joint CRN-CCAOD communiqué broadcast on March 30 said that free elections at municipal , legislative and presidential level would be held before Jan. 1 , 1992 , and that the army would return to barracks on Jan. 20 .
19 At the same time , it is hardly adequate to say that higher education is concerned only with reproducing inequality ; greater access to higher education has resulted in a growing number of women obtaining degrees and entering the professions .
20 The Guardian of Feb. 12 said that Kuwaiti refugees arriving in al-Ruweishid , Jordan , had confirmed an outbreak of cholera and worsening food shortages .
21 But also more importantly within that says that these , The siting of development is essentially something to be decided locally .
22 The Japanese say that these fish are five-coloured , the hues being red , white , black , dark and light blue .
23 The second says that individual non-observation sentences can not be verified or falsified on their own .
24 I am delighted to say that both previous Prime Ministers under whom I served are avid and enthusiastic collectors of that porcelain .
25 The OECD in its report published in July 1991 said that economic growth had slowed in 1990 to 3.5 per cent compared with growth of 4 per cent in 1989 .
26 Indeed it would not be too much to say that neither woman ever really got over it ; a day before the wedding he had written to Mary Trevelyan , expressing the hope that she would remain on friendly terms both with him and his new wife , but the old intimacy had necessarily gone for ever .
27 His emphasis on the " common style " suggests that he is no longer interested in talking to himself but to others , and Four Quartets is at one level an oratorical performance : it would not be too much to say that all of his previous work has led him to this point , where poetry is married with public exhortation .
28 In the library where Ianthe worked the approach of Christmas had made itself felt , though it would be too much to say that any particularly Christmas spirit or noticeable increase of goodwill could be discerned , even though Shirley had hung up a few coloured paper chains .
29 Indeed , it is not too much to say that this is probably the single thing that " everyone know about Athenian democracy .
30 It is not too much to say that this interpretation of what appears the plain meaning of section 4 of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act , 1974 , would make a farce out of the children 's hearing system .
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