Example sentences of "[adj] seem a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This seemed a race well beyond his stamina range , for the Grand National is over nearly four and a half miles and Crisp 's ideal distance was apparently no further than two and a half miles .
2 This seemed a way in which she could begin to discuss things more openly with them .
3 Coming from someone who 'd obviously never been in the right frame of mind magnetically to attach anything but his salary to himself — money Anwar always referred to as ‘ unearned income ’ — this seemed a bit rich .
4 This seemed a bit of a non-sequitur and Toby smothered a giggle in a cough .
5 This seemed a bit of a cheek as we had read the scripts together , discussed the lady in painfully familiar detail , and all our opinions had tallied .
6 To some clients this seemed a cheek , but few regulars could resist the line : " You 've got the cart .
7 One held a pool table , another seemed a jumble of drums , school books , volley balls and footballs .
8 Even allowing for the contemporary French intellectual fashion which puts a premium on witty forms of oracular paradox this seems a bit far out .
9 This seems a bit sad given that footie players ' wives and girlfriends often score high marks on the bimbometer in any case .
10 This seems a bit of a strange decision .
11 For much the same reason as suggested in the last paragraph , this seems a course of action which in practice would be ruled out for many of them by financial constraints : so again , for many , just wishful thinking .
12 To some this seems a waste of tank space , but to angels and butterflies it means the difference between life and death .
13 From Middlesex 's point of view this seems a hell of a waste .
14 This seems a contradiction on the face of it .
15 This seems a paradox but it is not : the system is geared to the needs of the operating units but the units are expendable so long as the system remains intact .
16 In all , this seems a product created more by necessity than design .
17 That seemed a bit sudden .
18 In principle , therefore , the World Bank 's demand that all imports ( except for some excluded on grounds of health or safety ) should be free of controls by June 1991 seemed a step in the right direction .
19 All seemed a kind of mockery .
20 It all seemed a bit pointless — and anyway no-one but a raving lunatic was going to attempt to get airborne in those conditions .
21 The locals say they believe he was a swine thief , but it all seemed a bit serious to represent merely the chase and capture of a robber who stole pigs belonging to the monks of Jervaulx Abbey .
22 It all seemed a bit twee ; I wondered somewhat cynically if there would be signs saying Does and Bucks on the dormitory doors . )
23 As he sat in his drab room in Hereford Road , it all seemed a bit futile .
24 There were the usual number of new faces to get used to , but they all seem a bit vague to me now , except of course for the one face that greeted me on my arrival in the Guard Room .
25 They all seem a bit wide , I must admit .
26 Mr Kettering going off without the dog and his wife bringing it round to you — it all seems a bit odd if it 's so devoted to him . ’
27 ’ It all seems a bit of an anti-climax , ’ I said idly .
28 Somehow it all seems a bit of an anticlimax after the bold legends of fax 's pioneering days .
29 All seems a bit drastic .
30 This may all seem a bit of an unnecessary fuss , but it 's a small price to pay in time and trouble and money in order to save the marriage and turn it into an asset rather than a liability .
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