Example sentences of "[adj] group [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 More stable groups have multiple goals and review and renew their goals , giving them greater permanency .
2 In the changing world of the late twentieth century , not even professional groups remain static and unitary .
3 Similarly , professional groups possessing key skills can often rely on employers ' dependence upon them .
4 Finally , professional groups have distinct cultures , norms and values and these cultures may come into conflict .
5 A number of new political groups included pro-Yeltsin formations and an opposition " Civic Union " associated with Vice-President Aleksandr Rutskoi .
6 King Hussein of Jordan yesterday promised a referendum on a plan to liberalise political life following a parliamentary election in which Islamic groups made striking gains .
7 Candidates identified with fundamentalist Islamic groups won six of the 11 contested seats ; four seats were won by candidates with PLO links and one by an independent .
8 Given that groups produce public goods , it is always possible to ‘ free-ride ’ , taking the benefits of group activity without incurring the costs of joining .
9 ‘ May I remind you that one of the largest groups receiving social security are receiving it not because they are neglecting their duty , but because they are doing it ?
10 The special session announced the creation of working groups to overhaul mass organizations and to strengthen participation in the municipal and provincial people 's power system of government ; and it proposed the National Assembly of People 's Power be upgraded to play a more dynamic role in assessing government performance .
11 Trade ministers and their respective chief negotiators set up working groups to cover six specific topics — market access , trade rules , services , investment , intellectual property and dispute settlement .
12 Corporate management appeared everywhere , with the development of joint management teams of chief officers , central policy units and sometimes a series of interlocking interdepartmental working groups to cover joint areas of work and policy .
13 The IPCC has set up three working groups to investigate these points , and will present its report at WMO 's second World Climate Conference in November 1990 .
14 In constructing subject hierarchies , the subject working groups faced conflicting demands .
15 These violations have occurred in the context of a continuing conflict since the mid-1970s between the security forces and armed tribal groups seeking regional autonomy .
16 The increase was even felt to be too great : in 1964 , when British groups reached 212 , it was decided to slow down the growth in the UK — not to ‘ act upon the ephemeral enthusiasms of an odd individual ’ , but to go for quality .
17 Among the families headed by women , some groups grew more than others .
18 For example , he says , there have been strong demands from some groups to screen all pregnant women for toxoplasmosis , an infectious disease that can damage the nervous system .
19 It 's a wonderful opportunity for volunteers in shops and branches and one-off groups to contact all the people who 've supported them and Save The Children over the years .
20 The early adoption of family planning by some groups of society before others in the nineteenth century created a gradient of family size by social class whereby lower social groups had higher average family size .
21 From 1976 to 1984 , all social groups made small but significant reductions in the consumption of refined sugar , saturated animal fats , and white breads .
22 The incentives for different social groups to create larger and more inclusive functional organizations at a national level strengthened the move towards post-liberal , non-individualist modes of representation .
23 In general , institutions are organized social groups embodying social roles , relations , processes , norms and instruments or complexes of cultural patterns , norms and procedures , which satisfy some important social interest ( e.g. educational , economic , religious , etc ) .
24 He acknowledged the interest the Zone idea had raised in Southeast Asia , indicated by the fact that ‘ representatives of the most diverse social groups advance many ideas concerning the organisational forms of translating the idea of neutrality into practice ’ , and by the regular meetings of a special ASEAN committee to formulate recommendations that could form the basis of a plan for neutralising Southeast Asia .
25 In the wild , even modern breeds of hens form themselves into small social groups comprising one cockerel and perhaps four or five hens .
26 On the least culture-bound scale for determining cognitive operations , that of ‘ degree of abstractness ’ , the anthropologist and the linguist would tend , then , to argue that all societies and social groups share common capacities .
27 There was no question , therefore , of different groups receiving different amounts of exposure to the stimuli or receiving training on discrimination differing on difficulty .
28 The second example , a frequent concomitant of the first , is the notion that it is good primary practice to have the different groups pursuing different areas of the curriculum at any one time , because only thus can the goals of ‘ seamlessness ’ and ‘ flexibility ’ in curriculum and learning be achieved .
29 By comparing the labour supply data of different groups facing different tax rates over time , it is possible to build statistical models that include a measure of labour supply response .
30 Different groups have different access to resources that may enable them to make such a move .
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