Example sentences of "[adj] as to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Would I be so foolish as to blaspheme ?
2 An objective for a partnership of ‘ bringing industry and education closer together ’ is worse than useless , it is dangerously vague as to meaning and intention .
3 What is at stake in this , and in the work of a number of other writers whom Neale acknowledged , is a sensitivity to generic difference as much as to repetition , and , in particular , to generic difference which can not simply be assigned to the magical agency of authorship .
4 Thus , even in 1959 , the antidote to pessimism as much as to Incompetence involves the imposition of " physical and mental discipline " capable of countering what another Critical Quarterly contributor calls the " debilitating hedonism of a " good-time " civilization . "
5 My own view is that , if you want really high-quality fish , and can possibly afford them , now is the time to buy , Good , old-fashioned haggling is supposed to be alien to the British nature , but we are rediscovering the art — which applies to Koi just as much as to motor cars or kitchen units !
6 such consent shall not otherwise be unreasonably restrictive as to content , and
7 Given these qualifications , broad categories of value are locative — names derived from place-names or topographical features ; of relationship — names of fathers or mothers , with additional syllables , pet names , font names and diminutives ; occupational and social status — indications of trade , calling or office , carried down the centuries , often in mutilated or garbled form ; nicknames — tags and sobriquets which were sufficiently distinctive , felicitous and pronounceable as to stand the test of time .
8 61 is instructive as to date .
9 Factional hostility was so great in 1921 as to produce full-scale conflict between the Irkutsk faction and its opponents ; Russian forces intervened to support the Irkutsk group and hundreds of Koreans were killed or wounded .
10 And while I am not so naive as to thing that they have the time or the motivation to sample every title on the Whitbread short list , a good number of these men think they ought to .
11 As a textile man I do n't mind woolliness too much but I do object to vagueness because this motion is so vague that it can mean as much as you want it to mean while , at the same time , it says to little as to leave an escape route for it 's supporters .
12 For one corporeal hereditament to fall within the curtilage of another the former must be so intimately associated with the latter as to lead to the conclusion that the former in truth forms part and parcel of the latter ( Methuen-Campbell v Walters ) .
13 This plant is very easy to grow , as it is most undemanding as to tank conditions .
14 They came to that conclusion on the grounds that it appeared to them to be a tenable meaning of the words and in accordance with what they thought to be the policy of the Act of 1914 as to jurisdiction .
15 We should refuse to be ‘ good sports ’ and to ‘ play the game ’ when the deck is so stacked against us by a baroque system of government so ludicrous and infantile as to beggar description .
16 That is , the scheming as to choice of materials , designs and technique is all done ahead of the process itself .
17 • Madonna 's always believed in the importance of underwear — even going to far as to exhibit it outside her clothing .
18 Obedient as to death a dead thing .
19 Their role is not so much to perform on their own as to lead and embellish the chants .
20 The Criminal Law Revision Committee , which found much of the English law of manslaughter unsupportable , argued that there is a need for a homicide offence beneath murder to encompass those who cause death when reckless as to death or serious injury .
21 Here the defendant has been reckless as to consent and should again be guilty of the offence .
22 I was a little anxious as to payment , which would have been only a few coppers except we had none .
23 Apparently uncertain as to camera angles , Witchell and the others frequently gave the impression of having spotted a lesbian stalking across the floor .
24 The US State Department was equally uncertain as to policy .
25 A formal concept of ‘ good ’ would be wholly indeterminate as to content such that anything , irrespective of its impact upon human welfare , could be characterized as ‘ good ’ .
26 In view of this irksome journey to Keswick , not surprisingly , regard was given to the possibility of setting up smelt houses at Coniston : " … if the Mynes hereafter should hereafter prove so rich as to countervale the charges of erecting any worke houses , there is more there about but water sufficient to make some competent buildings and good store both a wood & peets at more easy rates than at Keswick if the said wood may be preserved for those uses … "
27 The appellant did not attend on the return date , but the justices were satisfied as to service and adjourned until May 16 ; the appellant was notified by recorded delivery .
28 The subsection says that the board " may " transfer , but this has been interpreted as meaning shall transfer , if they are satisfied as to fitness .
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