Example sentences of "[adj] but in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Political correspondents were told initially that the Prime Minister believed his activities to be ‘ unorthodox but in order ’ .
2 The study of English seemed to provide direct access to an apparently historical but in fact imaginary world in which a uniform English national character was fully harmonized with unique individual diversity and independence .
3 The fact that all five wrote of their understanding of " mystical " experience not in Latin but in English is a sign of their times .
4 In terms of effect achieved the form of energy applied is immaterial but in theory the four are totally interchangeable ; a concept evident from the example of cleaning a dirt layer from an oven interior .
5 It was prompted by the need to document Native American languages which were distinctive and interesting but in danger of extinction .
6 Attempts are made to teach them German but in practice it is easier to teach the factory foreman enough Turkish to communicate with them .
7 When she knocked on the door of Back Clough Dale Cottage , she had been afraid but in control .
8 ‘ This sounds easy but in fact proved how difficult it can be to stand back and identify every activity carried out in your own workplace ( and those that maybe are n't but should be ! ) where standard procedures should be employed .
9 The text 's instabilities , this device suggests , are the result of the reader straying into private discourses , where the terms of reference are apparently explicit to the knowing ‘ other ’ reader , the person addressed who is ostensibly real but in actuality normally a fictional construction .
10 This sounds very bland but in practice it is complicated by the fact that what is nice for one person is nasty for another and vice versa .
11 Joe , I 'm not seeking to close down on discussion about item er , three , one and three , three but in view of the discussion we took this morning , you took this morning about the capital building programme and referring it to er , P A G , may I suggest that they both go that way , unless you have any particular comments to add to .
12 Conner unbowed but in trouble
13 The concept of the student with a broad scientific base is fine but in practice it does not work .
14 That sounds fine but in practice it means that people from black and ethnic groups get a raw deal because their particular problems are seldom acknowledged .
15 In the case of drugs this is obvious but in alcohol the sufferer may try to convince himself or herself and others that the purpose is the taste or the social sharing rather than the " feel " , the mood-altering effect .
16 Your comment that there should be ‘ a clear distinction between medicolegal intervention requested by the police and health care ’ may be an ideal but in practice it is often difficult if not impossible to distinguish clearly between the two .
17 It needed all the pride she possessed to turn to him a moment later , ashen-faced but in control .
18 Most advances are supposed to be short-term but in practice many are outstanding for long periods .
19 But I had done so not in the belief that indefinite British occupation of the Zone was practicable but in protest against a treaty which purported to give Britain rights of reoccupation and a policy which proclaimed that Cyprus , Jordan and Kenya afforded adequate geographical alternatives .
20 I carried the coffee jug and filter and two cups back into the living-room and put them down on my coffee table , which sounds posh but in fact it doubles as a dining table , poker table and ironing-board .
21 through that but in total we are .
22 He was involved in the most important questions of policy — negotiations for the marriage of royal children : Eleanor in 1170 and John in 1173 But in view of Eleanor of Aquitaine 's masterful political activity in later years it seems superfluous to look for a power behind the throne .
23 An attempt to determine before operation whether peptic ulcer patients are at risk of developing postvagotomy symptoms seems laudable but in practice such clues as there may be are probably too subtle to identify with any confidence from a non-invasive gastric emptying test .
24 It sounds good but in reality none of the video centres is operating according to these regulations .
25 And during the next thirty years composers associated with the Académie set his poems , including a translation of the Psalms , to music in which , as Philip Sidney put it , ‘ every semibreif or mynom had its syllables matched accordingly with a long foote and a short foote ’ , not monodic but in harmony with each syllable sung simultaneously in all parts .
26 The benefits from the completion of the road are great but in order for these benefits to be enjoyed the roadmaker has to invest effort in filling the hole .
27 In detail the class system is complex but in essence it is simple : the major division is still between capital and labour .
28 Tropical forests are complex but in temperature at least , are constant from month to month .
29 It sounds important but in fact is an impenetrable statement .
30 He ordered that January , March , May , July , September and November should each have 31 days , the other months having 30 days , except February which should normally have 29 but in leap years would have 30 .
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