Example sentences of "[adj] do [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Often they are seen to have three ingredients : a cognitive ingredient ( what I believe , say , about pollution ) ; an affective ingredient ( how I feel about pollution ) ; and a behavioural ingredient ( what I am prepared to do about pollution ) .
2 The analogy was there to draw between what they were prepared to do at home and what they might contemplate doing out of sight in a subjected territory .
3 But both are things we must be prepared to do on occasion , and both are preferable to staying at home and watching a lot of odious rubbish on television .
4 There were limits , however , to what the Whigs were prepared to do on behalf of Protestant Dissenters .
5 This is because when there is an actionable nuisance the law provides a legal remedy by way of injunction or damages and this it is not prepared to do in respect of every odour found to be annoying or objectionable ; neither would it be practicable especially since odours are notoriously subjective in nature affecting some individuals and not others and causing a variety of symptoms .
6 The large proportion — estimated at forty per cent — of the marchers who were under twenty-one sang ‘ Ban , ban , ban the bloody H-Bomb ’ ( to the tune of ‘ John Brown 's Body ’ ) or ‘ When the Saints Go Marching In ’ and welcomed the fact that there was something different to do for Easter .
7 He had chosen this woman specifically because she was the sort she was — a simple type , immediately responsive to the baby , no outside involvements , so she was free to give her entire time to him , willing to do without time off while the baby was still on the breast , and not expecting the massive salary most women would want for a job like this .
8 ‘ Amazing , ’ you may say , ‘ but what has this to do with conveyancing ? ’
9 What has any of this to do with language , more precisely with the ‘ grammar ’ of this chapter 's title ?
10 What has this to do with hearing ?
11 If this did in fact happen , it can be plausibly explained by the anxiety of lay landowners to provide for their families and by their inability to browse on retirement in clerical pastures .
12 There is evidence to suggest that this did in fact happen .
13 It would make a poem too stereotyped if this did in fact happen and so the metrical pattern will be varied .
14 The Lord commands , he says this do in remembrance of me .
15 Other countries apparently more successful than us , never seem to mind change , the British do for fear that it diminishes their lot in life .
16 But the distinctions between ‘ high ’ and ‘ low ’ in so far as they are doctrinal do of necessity affect devotional practice .
17 But there is no virtue at all in clinging as some do to tradition merely for its own sake .
18 We have assumed that exports amount to £3,000 million and that imports are £4,000 million ; the external sector has a surplus of £1,000 million ( this does of course represent an unfavourable balance of payments for the country represented in the model ) .
19 Now , we do n't think he 's going to press charges , but you must realise that if he did you would in fact be facing a charge of assault , and coming as this does on top of your other verbal and written warnings — all within , I 'm afraid to say , Steve , " Mr Smith sat back in his seat with a sigh and flicked through a few more of the papers on his desk , shaking his head at them , " a very short interval of time considering the length of your employment with us , and all regarding previous lapses in … "
20 Is that done at birth then that blood test , is the blood test done at birth ?
21 That done to Scotch would have been great .
22 Particular questions to be considered include : i to what extent has the emergence of new military technology from the laboratories been steered by strategic interests and too what extent was it an autonomous product of the laboratories ; ii how has the relationship between the work done in the national laboratories to that done by defence contractors altered ; iii what are the pressures for greater commercial application of research ; what effect has this had ?
23 What did that do for skill levels ?
24 yeah yes I wondered if David would be on bus , I saw Wendy having a he worked later today because he 's got so much done on front of the er that weather he could n't er , do any decorating outside still we never got nobbled down street providing the er canvassers
25 It 's so easy to do in rehearsal and yet , when that moment comes , something happens to your throat .
26 The result had as much to do with romanticism as historical accuracy , with simulated timber framing , and a Gothic chimneypiece decorated with scenes of the King 's escape .
27 Blown-up extracts from contemporary Paris newspapers , on panels larger than the works of art on display , suggest that the district 's sudden fame was not so much to do with art or philosophy , but the novel phenomenon of la jeunesse .
28 As attested by the now considerable literature on museology , debates concerning strategies of display and the production of history have as much to do with empowerment outside as inside the museum .
29 Absolutely nothing , it 's politically biased and as much to do with music as The Beano
30 But the horror of losing was as much to do with money as with pride .
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