Example sentences of "[adj] not a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And we do some marine not a lot of marine erm For some strange reason , our design of engine does not lend itself too well to marine applications .
2 the movement which , at the close of the colonial era , led it to be asked of the West what entitles its culture , its science , its social organization , and finally its rationality itself , to be able to claim universal validity : was this not a mirage associated with economic domination and political hegemony ?
3 The Kenyans have gone to enormous trouble to make this not a murder . ’
4 Is this not a form of stereotyping at least as damaging as racist and sexist attitudes ?
5 Unfortunately , the print echo is only active whilst the CLI indicator is present , so this not a lot of use to us !
6 is this not a recipe for disaster ?
7 The second point is that I 've , the Americans I , I , it 's one of the promises about street life in second from the bottom , two weeks in the winter , four weeks in the summer , well I know to my cost erm through my ear being blasted which is why you 're a County Councillor anyway , that it 's been six weeks at the present time , we 've had a lot of lights going down , okay we 're trying to improve it , we had people walking into cars , er , er a few burglaries which I 'm pleased to say the police have helped out in , but if we 're going to change and get it down from a level of six weeks to two weeks as it is in the area I represent , is that not a question of putting extra resources in it and there 's no good putting promises unless we can deliver .
8 ‘ Was that not a bit risky ? ’
9 Is that not a co-operative ?
10 Does your husband accept that perhaps he ought to be looking after the baby alternate weeks , or is that not a solution to the problem ?
11 think that format 's alright , is that not a contradiction because if it 's a joint statement and this format 's alright you 've got staff comment divorced from pupil comment ?
12 In an isotropic medium ( in which the dielectric constant is a scalar not a tensor ) the directions of the E and D lines coincide , thus Figs. 2.40 and 2.41 may refer to either .
13 Not guilty , did n't do it that 's why what gorilla man did sickened me ; no blood well hardly any blood literally a drop , a drip , a fucking pixel on the screen and the only thing slicing into flesh was a needle , tiny and delicate not a chainsaw or an axe or a knife or anything , but it 's that image that idea that old devil meme , I keep dreaming about it , keep having nightmares about it , and I 'm the trapped one , I 'm the man in the leather-and-chrome chair and he 's there with his gorilla face and his squeaky baby voice , explaining to the camera that what he has in this bottle and in this syringe is sperm ; the crazy fucker 's loaded it up with jism man looks like half a fucking milk bottle of the stuff and he 's going to inject it into the little guy 's veins and he ties something round the naked upper arm of the little guy strapped to the chair and pulls it tight and waits for the vein to show while the little guy howls and screams like a child and tries to shake the chair to bits or rip it apart but he 's too well strapped in there no purchase no leverage and then the man in the gorilla mask just does it ; sinks the needle into the little guy 's skin with a bit of blood and empties the whole syringe into him .
14 policy advocates — a preference for policy matters on a city-wide not a ward perspective .
15 It clearly implies a world order in which the prime virtue is obedience , not a world order that 's exactly to our twentieth century democratic taste , but then after all not a world order altogether to Milton 's taste , as we can remind ourselves by thinking of his plea for unlicensed printing the Areopagitica .
16 There is after all not a lot that sets franchise outlets apart from other businesses .
17 In programming , the shifts were of emphasis — towards the needs of minorities , for example — that reflected the different society and culture of 1980s Britain and that took a pluralist not a paternalist view of the meaning of ‘ service ’ .
18 You wo n't , you definitely wo n't ask at the end of the first not a hope in hell begin the second , cos you might ask at the end of the second appointment .
19 I believe tobacco-smoke is the most effectual , but to one not a smoker it would require to be a case of hiring another to the office of smoking away the midges — a work many would gladly undertake , for tobacco is looked on in the Highlands as a very great good , almost as essential as the whiskey .
20 coming back would be one-many not a function .
21 No I mean it may be , you know you i it may be reasonably busy straight through but I would have thought even there you 're probably talking about four not a lot higher than that I would n't have thought .
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