Example sentences of "[adj] in [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 " Power " , for example , is an ordinal attribute in which we might want to talk about individuals having " more " or " less " power than others and to reflect this in using the power of numbers to reflect " more " or " less " of some attribute in the same way that a higher number score on a test signifies a greater ability to do the test than a lower number .
2 The meaning of this should become clear in considering the following indices which Marshall et al.
3 The essay was quite clear in condemning the prejudices of religions , whilst distinguishing these from other prejudices .
4 In general , the research is clear in showing the critical role of support in the development of depression , but that the relationship between support , crises and depression is far more complex than many researchers have previously conveyed .
5 The UDC 's first pamphlet , written by Morel , was unequivocal in asserting the necessity of military victory over Germany if Belgian sovereignty was to be restored .
6 Alford was equally staunch in championing the rights of the Commons against the Lords , whether protesting at the Upper House 's attempts to control the negotiations over the Scottish union or complaining against their insistence on members ' ‘ standing so long bare ’ at conferences .
7 Both historical and cultural comparisons indicate that the ideas we have about old age are as important , probably more important than biological ageing in determining the way old age is perceived , and how older people are treated .
8 He is less conspicuous in opposing the Social Charter as a costly threat to jobs if the standards of Germany are to be imposed on countries like Britain .
9 He is less conspicuous in opposing the Social Charter as a costly threat to jobs if the standards of Germany are to be imposed on countries like Britain .
10 Lord Ackner said in Savage : The Court of Appeal in Parmenter was wrong in preferring the decision in Spratt .
11 If you want to live a long , long time in sturdy health you ca n't go wrong in forming the habit of long vigorous walking every day … until it becomes a habit as important to you as eating and sleeping .
12 Similarly Marxism is wrong in seeing the problems of modernity as exclusively the result of the capitalist system and attempting to account for the behaviour of a Stalin or a Khruschev , or a Mao Tse-tung or a Hoxha in terms of the cult of personality while at the same time ignoring the lack of moral constraints on the exercise of power in modern Marxist states .
13 North , the zealous visionary , besotted by his lone struggle against Communism , was so blinded by right-wing hubris that he saw nothing wrong in breaking the laws of the country he so devoutly wished to defend .
14 While it is true that we should n't ‘ show off ’ our new slim figure , there 's nothing wrong in making the most of it .
15 And in one respect it 's not quite erm as straightforward as I 've made it appear , and perhaps after all I 'm not wrong in making the claim I did , because E P Thompson , the historian , erm was the person who really made the discovery in the first place , and it came about because he had been interested in the possible links between the Muddletonians and Blake , and this led him to ask questions which , in a roundabout way , led to the discovery of the archive .
16 He is certainly wrong in saying the report 's publication has been timed to coincide with the start of the General Election campaign .
17 He has been accused of misinterpreting the data and of generalising from untypical examples , whilst new evidence brought to light by subsequent research suggests that he was wrong in denying the existence of a two-party system , at least under Anne .
18 And now ministers think there is nothing wrong in having the taxpayer pay their bills .
19 That he went grossly wrong in applying the standard does not mean that the standard as such was inapplicable .
20 Paul knew , through the hardships of his life , and the joys , that His Lord was faithful in providing the day-to-day needs of life .
21 Unlike C. R. Ashbee [ q.v. ] and other confrères within the guild-revival movement , Mackmurdo was less than generous in acknowledging the contributions of others .
22 In highlighting the weaknesses of his own team , Burns was generous in pinpointing the strengths of Raith .
23 We 're trying to look to the gaps , and I wonder if we are , as you suggest in the comments that you 've received perhaps losing , we 're not perhaps sufficiently direct in addressing the parish organizations which are after all the core of a parish .
24 So ‘ bureaucratic ’ pluralism has been used by some in recognizing the more important role of Japanese civil servants ; this has been further qualified as ‘ bureaucratic-inclusionary ’ pluralism to suggest that the widest possible range of citizen consultation is used to assess the national interest .
25 They 've turned out very well and I have brought some in to show the girls at work .
26 He had never believed reports that the Irish government was not interested in reviving the talks .
27 And we are discovering that we are not interested in exploring the finer points of alienation with tea cuppery , but that the theatre can be a bridge of bone between sickness and health — that our language will somehow always be on the edge of poetry and that image and metaphor are our natural tools — they best express whole worlds and histories in collision with each other .
28 The interview panel will be interested in exploring the recruit 's capabilities in several relevant areas , while always remaining mindful that formal qualifications are not necessary for advice work .
29 A professor of pharmacology , Rudolph Magnus , was very interested in exploring the role that physiological mechanisms play in affecting mental and emotional well being .
30 He said Novell was interested in exploring the possibility of offering links to all operating systems and Apple wanted to start penetrating the corporate environment ; it was up to Apple whether to take the project to the next step .
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