Example sentences of "[adj] [be] really [art] " in BNC.

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1 For if this were really the case , a communicative approach would have little or nothing to commend it .
2 Exactly how the Pill produces this effect is unknown — the simplistic explanation usually offered is that the hormones in the Pill promote Candida because they are steroids , but this is really no explanation at all .
3 As we have seen , for some Foucault can apparently be dismissed with ease as merely the philosopher of discontinuity , a description which is hardly adequate ; for others , criticism takes the form that he simply relativizes history , but this is really no better , for history is itself a mode of demonstrating the relativity , temporariness , and temporality of phenomena .
4 just a point however , about ‘ soil-less composts ’ — this is really a misnomer .
5 This is really a differentiation within the category of sexual instincts as first conceived , the ego instincts of the first conceptualization being taken into a differentiation within the sexual instincts instead of being opposed to them .
6 This is really a mechanical effect , although solution is necessary to allow the crystals to form within the fabric of the rock by evaporation .
7 This is really a babysitting circle on a small scale , with only two families involved , and it can work well .
8 This is really a matter of personal preference and the sort of facilities available in your building ( or area because , of course , nearby gas can be piped in at some cost , or use gas from cylinders if you really prefer gas ) .
9 However , this is really a misnomer since the laws of chemical combination require that all chemical reactions are stoichiometric , that is , that combinations must involve exact whole numbers of particles ( atoms , ions or molecules ) in fixed , characteristic ratios .
10 Although most speakers in British society are also literate , and therefore have the advantage of knowing where /r/ occurs in writing , it is not clear that this is really a big help in flowing conversation , though it might be in very slow speech styles .
11 This is really a question about embryology , not genetics ; and it is an entirely separate question from the one that worried the Bishop of Birmingham and others .
12 Now this is really a road mark in my opinion
13 Coun Cresswell said : ‘ Labour are trying to appear generous by providing a wooden pavilion , whereas this is really a kick in the teeth for bowlers . ’
14 This is really a great day for British Rail and the railways in Britain .
15 Guide editor Alisdair Aird said : ‘ This is really a shocking finding in an industry which depends above all on good customer/staff relationships for its success . ’
16 these are recommendations from a joint working party D of E of the erm local authority association and they are to almost unbelievable for us to consider and I can only assume that the that we must remember that this is really a response to what I call Heseltine 's last squeeze which was the idea of executive mayors and so in a sense lip service which has to be paid somewhere along those lines but it does recommend that we think seriously about cabinet govern government about single party committees and I ca n't imagine how anybody in their right minds would argue now that the cabinet government when they see what cabinet government leads to in Westminster and what de facto cabinet government leads to in majority ruled councils up and down the country erm , there is of course a I think a misleading er er brownie point the idea of relaxing restrictions on members allowances but members must realise why that is in there .
17 Most good delicatessens should carry a one-year-old farmhouse Cheddar on the rind , and , in my opinion , this is really the only way to buy the cheese .
18 But it strikes me that this is really the view of people who do n't have them .
19 Soon after the eruption last year , Brian Toon , of the NASA Ames Research Center in Moffatt Field , California , was quoted as saying , ‘ this is really the first time in modern meteorology that something has happened that has the potential to affect the climate .
20 This is really the best way for friendly co-existence .
21 This is really the key to getting the economy stabilised but the Chancellor did n't have the courage of his convictions to do it .
22 This is really the end . ’
23 This is really the only difference ( except for the case ) between the SK210 and the other two models that can not be changed by the purchase of an accessory .
24 But I do not think that there can be a rational , scientific criterion by which you can say : this is really the best .
25 You say in your proof , paragraph forty three , this is really the last point I 'm going to deal with , that the amendment to the deposit copy erm ignores several of the policies in the Southern Ryedale Local Plan .
26 And this is really the ideal way to use this drug .
27 This is really the heart of my thesis ; the eighteenth-century philosophers said that true men differed from sub-men because they were rational philosophers rather than poets ; the nineteenth-century positivists said that true men differed from sub-men because they were scientists rather than superstitious believers in magic ; I am saying that men are men and not non-men because they have created artistic imagination which is bound up with the use of language and other forms of patterned but arbitrary expression , e.g. dancing and music .
28 Erm and this is really the mechanism by which you can ensure the continuous or continual improvement of the quality system .
29 Capitanchik : This is really the trend for the future .
30 As far as evolution is concerned , I , and this is really the essence of our modern view , I am really nothing more than the packaging of my genes , because after all this is what evolution acts on .
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