Example sentences of "[adj] [be] the good " in BNC.

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1 Funny how cartoons ‘ aimed ’ at kids but clearly made by adults to amuse one another are the best .
2 The seaman — Gustave continued as if this were the best story he had heard for many years — apparently claimed that he had no notion of how the section of mast had reached the position in which it was found .
3 You felt , like Victorine , that the French were the best .
4 This is the best I have played so close to Wimbledon , ’ confirmed Edberg , and no one was disputing the fact .
5 This is the best way to lay amicable foundations for your more concerted efforts in the days and weeks to come as you try to prise a response out of your carefully selected target hack .
6 This is the best aspect of the book .
7 This is the best deal , although it differs from the bank and building society accounts in requiring one month 's notice for withdrawals .
8 This is the best deal , although it differs from the bank and building society accounts in requiring one month 's notice for withdrawals .
9 This is the best deal , although it differs from the bank and building society accounts in requiring one month 's notice for withdrawals .
10 My owners really wanted a Deerhound — this is the best I can do S J Hale , Cheshunt , Herts
11 We suppose that the nucleic acid molecule which survives and replicates best ( i.e. the ‘ fittest ’ ) carries a message which is represented as THIS IS THE BEST MESSAGE .
12 Hence it is not always true that the natural way of classifying a set of objects is hierarchical ; nor was it immediately obvious that this is the best way of classifying living things .
13 David Roberts , Nottingham 's secretary , said yesterday : ‘ We feel that this is the best way forward .
14 This is the best and most evenly-balanced Uncle Vanya I 've ever seen .
15 Cooper invented the Western and , so it is claimed , the sea story , as well as creating the ‘ Leatherstocking ’ tales , set in upstate New York , of which this is the best .
16 This is the best place for it , ’ he said .
17 We know that families are tied to school holiday dates , and for that reason we offer our highest discounts during these periods ; this is the best time to go combined with the best value .
18 Often this is the best thing for the building .
19 Boring work , but if you want one for the glass case , this is the best way to go about achieving that aim .
20 ‘ I think it 'd be fair to say this is the best day of my life . ’
21 This is the best place in the world ’ , she said .
22 This is the best all-round position .
23 This is the best of the three since because of the nose rocker the landing is soft and you can recover quickly to the normal sailing position .
24 Secondly , environmentalists are now extremely nimble at arguing the whole notion of self-interest as the strongest justification for environmental protection ; indeed it has become something of an art form to demonstrate that measures to protect the environment are essentially of value to human beings and that this is the best reason for their implementation that there could possibly be .
25 The general point is that primary schools might be more imaginative and flexible in their deployment of staff : there is no law that says that there should be one teacher to one class for all of the time , and that this is the best possible arrangement in all circumstances .
26 To begin with the government wants private operators to cast a spider 's web of cable-TV over the country , It is n't obvious that this is the best way to go about it .
27 It is simply a system that combines proven practices for healthy soil with the best in modern biological knowledge and one that recognises animals as living creatures rather than inanimate objects Organic campaigners look forward to the day when organic farming provides most of our food and surely this is the best prospect for agricultural policy as it moves into the next century .
28 ‘ My bank manager said ‘ This is the best cash flow presentation I 've seen ’ and agreed to an extra £50,000 on my overdraft ’ ( S J Franklin , Cheltenham )
29 Once the tying is mastered , this is the best muzzle available .
30 If the lurcher catches a rabbit on the feeding grounds it will almost invariably scream — and this is the best thing to happen .
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