Example sentences of "[adj] [be] a year " in BNC.

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1 This is a year that brings the tale to a natural turning point .
2 This is a year when your struggles pay off , a year when you go places and find real togetherness .
3 In many ways , this is a year of great contrasts — in some areas you will face restrictions , in others expansion .
4 This is a year when you could realise the attractions of being self-employed .
5 Although from time to time you may find it hard to believe , this is a year of immense personal growth .
6 This is a year when fate is in the ascendancy and you will have to bend with every light breeze or every hurricane .
7 Remember this is a year of movement and growth .
8 This is a year when a partnership is not only important in itself , but when you should ask whether it can take you where want to go .
9 In fact this is a year when we 're spending for the next adoptions .
10 1993 is a year to really find the right person , so it may be that an unsatisfactory relationship has to go in order for the appropriate one to come in .
11 YOU may not be an overtly ambitious sign , but 1993 is a year when you should adopt a very direct approach to your goals .
12 Nonetheless , 1993 is a year of promise — albeit in the midst of global difficulties .
13 1993 is a year of reckoning .
14 ‘ I believe the storm has now blown itself out and that 1993 is a year for recovery and replanting . ’
15 Its survival depended on the generosity and good nature of the Secretary whose honorarium in 1933 was a year in arrears !
16 1825 was a year of disturbances in the north east .
17 1991 was a year notable for some very poor results for general insurance companies , which has highlighted the importance of both premium rating and claims reserving .
18 May 1992 be a year of peace and happiness for all .
19 May 1992 be a year of quality for our Division .
20 1992 was a year in which the deepening recession in most of the world 's leading economies led to a fall in demand for oil .
21 After the significant expansion of the regional structure in 1991 , 1992 was a year of consolidation made more difficult because of unavoidable budget reductions .
22 1992 was a year of substantial progress for BP Exploration despite a difficult operating environment .
23 1992 was a year of mixed fortunes for the Food and Agriculture Division .
24 1848 was a year of revolution throughout Europe , and many people in England feared that Chartism would bring revolution , and perhaps a Terror , to England .
25 1848 was a year of funerals .
26 if attention is directed simply at annual balance of payments figures the decision appears surprising since 1949 was a year of further overall improvement .
27 That 's a year ago .
28 You know that 's a year off now you know .
29 That 's a year and four month .
30 You know that 's a year off now you know .
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