Example sentences of "[adj] [be] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That s a candidate for Danny Baker 's After All ( serving suggestion ) .
2 I do nt know whether that s a compliment or not ; -p
3 Rosemary Cargill ( Mrs Raza ) has since 1986 been a journalist writing for a current affairs publication .
4 Had the Republican candidate in 1980 been an ideologue , he would have suffered the same fate as Barry Goldwater in 1964 ; if , by some fluke , he had been elected , he would have been denied cooperation by congress and would have been drummed out of office in 1984 .
5 Or had that been a mistake ?
6 erm Has that been a concern of unions , or has it been other sorts of organisations that have been pressing for them over the years ?
7 Has that been a problem that you 've had often or .
8 Had that been a spider 's web that touched her cheek just now ?
9 However , had that been a reason , I could have accepted it .
10 Of these the finest are a pair of silvered mirrors measuring 173x98.5 cm supplied to Edwin Lascelles and placed in the Yellow Damask Sitting Room at Harewood House .
11 The obvious checks to this are a sense of individual identity , a willingness to assume responsibility , a mature morality and a developed sense of integrity .
12 Added to this are a couple of million pre-cataloguing or inventorial forms .
13 Following this are a retrospective of Eva Hesse and a view of Carol Seborovski 's work .
14 Had this been a function for Chedworth , one might at least have expected to find suitable tools .
15 Had this been a scene in a movie , it would have been followed by pistol shots and , no doubt , the entry of a deadly snake into the Sigmoid tent .
16 Had this been a studio ‘ take ’ it would have been phenomenal , but the fact that it is ‘ live ’ has one bordering on disbelief .
17 Not sauntering but fanatically rooted to their hallowed places at the end of the ‘ Up ’ main platform in most big stations are to be found the train-spotters , living proof of George Orwell 's observation that the English are a nation of collectors , in this case of train numbers .
18 Some are a competition , a snoring competition .
19 But if , if our fee bids , that have been going in so far , are there or thereabouts and having monitored reports for quite a while , tendencies and yes some are under and some are a bit over but in general they 're not th they 're not that far out .
20 Some clients are wonderful and some are a pain in the neck indecisive , argumentative , and generally difficult .
21 Some focus on a particular joint-venture subsidiary company ; some involve the sharing of research and development ; some are an alliance of production capacity with marketing strength ; some involve putting a foreign product under a domestic label ; some alliances are intended to promote a new standard or form of compatibility ( and to defeat a rival standard ) .
22 That 's been er er a matter which has been erm discussed er at some length by Stragg as has the topic of er house building and the the problems of er capacity for er new house instruction and other development within the , the Council but a number of erm matters er not least of which has been er the departure of two key members of staff during the period er there has er I 'm afraid been a degree of slippage and the original programme that we have put to you and which you agreed which we said at the time was ambitious er is already er showing signs of stress and it looks now I 'm afraid that it will not be er in the early part of the summer that the structure plan in draft form will be available and ready to be approved for consultation purposes , but towards the end of the summer and er er into the early autumn .
23 The estimates of a 1 and a 2 are a source of the substitution and income derivatives in equation ( 12–1 ) , which , when combined with the mean values for H , W and Yin the sample , can give the three elasticities in ( 12–3 ) .
24 And with six vehicles the Daniels have plenty off choice in how to travel : the most luxurious are a Bentley tourer and a super Ferrari .
25 Precedents 40 to 43 are a hybrid between the relief under s83 and heading L ( Voluntary Disposition ) of The Stamp Duty ( Exempt Instruments ) Regulations 1987 ( SI No 516 ) and it is suggested that the document should be submitted for adjudication .
26 Could this be a revenge thing ? ’
27 Could this be a sign that the Ministry 's power is all-pervasive ?
28 If there is a regional variation in the rate of treatment for glue ear need this be a sign that overtreatment occurs in some areas ?
29 Will this be a problem , or merely a challenge to discover new historiographical methods ?
30 Maastricht is now over ; let this be a test of the new Europe 's resolve .
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