Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So I do n't think anyone here as an elected member , needs to defend their positions if they wish to move from a political or a bureaucratic policy to something which is more pluralist and much more representative of the kind of policies that this council should be discussing not only now but also in the future .
2 All the same , museum curators will have carried out a critical task in selecting the exhibition , in some instances having fended off proposals for inclusions with a political or a particular cultural bias .
3 If no play was possible or a prescribed period was lost this premium payment would entitle the holder to get his money back .
4 We need to know whether it is a 10-strong or a seven-strong management committee , with a majority of management representatives .
5 The 10th , 14th and 27th are departure points , whether this means leaving the past behind in a literal or a figurative way .
6 Thus the examples of ( 9 ) are acceptable : ( 9 ) your behaviour was barbaric this device is expensive his plan was inspired but impractical Where a prenominal adjective fits equally well with either relationship — ascriptive or associative — to its noun , we find that its occurrence in predicative position is acceptable , but only provided that the relation is taken as being ascriptive ; thus ( 10 ) mentions an individual who either has Greek nationality ( but the nature and region of the business which he or she deals with remain unspecified ) , or is a person who handles affairs connected with Greece ( but who may well be of some quite different nationality , Belgian for example ) ; ( 11 ) however unambiguously tells us that there is someone who falls into the former category : ( 10 ) the Greek representative ( 11 ) the representative is Greek
7 It is proposed to take the seven functions of budgets on pages 49/50 as the first dimension of a matrix structure to which either the rational economic or a political model can be applied in order to form the second dimension .
8 In judging this record there has been a strong tendency among commentators , from either an economic or a political viewpoint , to award the Labour government good marks for achievement [ Morgan , 1984 ; Cairncross , 1985 ] .
9 You may be written off as a malingerer or a neurotic or , perhaps even worse , as someone who must be gently humoured back to health .
10 The second dimension used three variables : whether the state is unitary and centralized or federal and dispersed ; whether the legislature has one or two ( strong ) chambers ; and whether there is an unwritten or a written , rigid constitution .
11 With stable macro policies of either a monetary or a fiscal kind , rational expectations on behalf of economic agents mean that such agents fully appreciate the signals that trigger government policy and the prescriptions that follow , internalizing this into their behaviour .
12 Held , dismissing the appeal , that the object of the substituted section 9 of the Wills Act 1837 had been to simplify the requirements for the execution and witnessing of a will ; that the complementary requirements , of a signature and of an intention that the signature should give effect to the will , demanded a practical approach ; that a written name , not being a normal signature , was capable of being a signature for the purposes of section 9 ; but that where a testamentary document was signed before the dispositive provisions had been written , affirmative evidence was necessary to show that the testator had intended the signature to give effect to the provisions ; that by writing his name and the dispositive provisions in one single operation the deceased had provided such evidence ; and that , accordingly , the will had been duly executed ; but that , on the evidence , the deputy judge had been entitled to conclude that the onus on the defendants of establishing the testamentary capacity of the deceased had not been discharged ( post , pp. 588B–H , 589B–F , 592A–C ) .
13 These are especially acute where a substantial private company is being acquired in a Reverse or Super Class One transaction .
14 There have been some impressive cases of increases in productivity , notably British Airways , British Leyland , and British Steel , which have shed workers , but it remains to be seen whether the improvement will be durable or a once-only case of firms shaking out the least efficient workers .
15 one or two members who are resident in St Albans did ask me about their position on item two St Albans Transport Study er the advice that I gave them was that unless they er did which is likely to be affected by any identifiable schemes in the study they do not have a need to declare either a pecuniary or a non-pecuniary interest .
16 Following Sambrook 's logic , though he does not use these terms , this image may interpreted either in a descriptive or a normative sense .
17 Awards may be held on either a full-time or a part-time basis .
18 it 's that or a new head torch , but if I got a new head torch it , it perhaps but they 're about , they 're about thirty quid I think
19 Mr the headmaster has recently applied to Paul 's present local authority London Borough of Merton for a classroom assistant for Paul for thirty hours per week he does not know whether he will get that or a lesser number of hours or none at all , he was repeatedly , in my view quite rightly , extremely reluctant to express any view about what the outcome of his application maybe , but , rather force time is to which we have to guess , his guess was that ten hours might be afforded but he was at pains to emphasize that that was pure guess work .
20 Either that or a one-hit wonder , an eventuality the Crocs are clearly banking on .
21 This might , for example , reveal that a child who appeared to be inattentive or a slow learner was in fact showing symptoms of specific learning difficulties ( e.g. dyslexia ) or a hearing impairment — possibly an intermittent one such as is associated with otitis media .
22 Analysts believe it will pave the way for further cuts if the Conservatives retain power but fear a victory for Labour or a hung parliament could lead to higher interest rates .
23 Please take the trouble to write this or a similar message and look at it often .
24 The purpose of such investigation will be to determine the precise nature of the incident , to examine the factors contributing to its occurrence and to identify any measures which might be taken to minimise the likelihood of a repetition of this or a similar incident .
25 I can often discover our different species of Oaks , one from another , by their form of growth , half or a whole mile distance ; and I am sure he must be very sharp-sighted that can know them , at half that distance , by their leaves , acorns , and cups , all together .
26 Loss of a clear or a bloodstained , watery fluid from the nose or ear .
27 It is believed that this is the first such interchange to be arranged between a British or a European social research group and one in the People 's Republic of China .
28 Sisters were categorised by Orton ( 1980 ) as having either a high or a low student orientation .
29 It does not make any appreciable difference whether the solid is glassy or crystalline or even polymeric , nor does it matter whether it has a high or a low Young 's modulus 50 long as it more or less obeys Hooke 's law , virtually up to failure .
30 Will students in receipt of a grant or an allowance who are paid once per term have a high or a low transactions demand for money relative to their income ?
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