Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The whole battery site is now earmarked to become a country park or war museum but as yet still remains untouched used now and again for playing war games and a place to stable locally owned horses .
2 as if to confirm her statement , a tall powerfully built man came round the corner of the house carrying a box of potatoes .
3 A year of lessons and sulking resulted in eight badly played bars of ‘ Little Donkey ’ , and all four of us agreed that the instrument was superfluous to requirements .
4 In Engineering , the choice which Bill Larnach did make , that paradoxically meant Newcastle-upon-Tyne , a 30-mile round trip every day .
5 There is plenty of choice and whenever possible locally produced foods are used , such as Devon crabs and , of course , Devon clotted cream .
6 So too is ‘ the other ’ , that highly charged embodiment of difference .
7 Although some popular sentiment may go Mr Hussein 's way , both regimes are efficiently repressive enough to keep public opinion buttoned up .
8 A follow up of the 278 long stay patients discharged between 1985 and 1988 failed to trace only six people , who were presumed to have become vagrants ( three had been vagrants before their admission ) .
9 For this was a Q train two normal enough looking carriages that are not all that they seem .
10 Layers of rock that are porous and permeable enough to store water and let it flow through them easily are called aquifers .
11 The data will be used for research on a range of topics including the effectiveness of secondary schools , local authority differences , parental choice of schooling , the problems of rural sparsely populated areas , the school curriculum , the transition from school and entry into the labour market or further education , and the effect of policy initiatives such as the Technical and Vocational Education Initiative , the Youth Training Scheme and Scottish National Certificate .
12 A one-parent family , living on scraps from the educational world , too proud to seek refuge and warm her hands on the tepid thickly painted radiators of Leeds , to cast off her jerseys and socks on the radiant central heating of Sussex , to lie half-naked in that ill-starred farmhouse in Tuscany .
13 Whilst running a marathon requires a great deal of stamina , yoga is undoubtedly the best way to improve suppleness while weight-lifting obviously develops strength .
14 In Riga they paid Hughes the compliment of putting two defenders on him but that merely created space for the other Northern Ireland players .
15 Their cheerfulness and delight at still being alive only made Charlie feel more guilty .
16 Others of his early works are more conventionally neo-classical in manner , but he also designed a number of churches in the Gothic style , some of which — notably that in Rode Hill , Somerset ( 1822–4 ) — are highly , indeed bizarrely , individual , while his Devizes Castle , Wiltshire ( c .1840 ) is in a neo-Norman idiom .
17 Keeping staff to a minimum and paying them very little obviously reduces costs , but it does not necessarily lead to good quality care .
18 ‘ We have to be stable enough to have product liability insurance before we can enter the US market .
19 ‘ I do n't know when this six months idea came in but it 's little enough to show respect for the one that 's gone . ’
20 The law must be broad enough to cover situations where employment decisions are made based upon the misconceptions of co-workers .
21 I reminded myself that if Conchis was rich enough to own Modiglianis and Bonnards , he was rich enough to pick the very best in mistresses .
22 It would have to be a fast one , and expensive — offhand , Rincewind could n't think of any horse-dealer he knew who was rich enough to give change out of almost a whole ounce of gold .
23 The 10% of the people rich enough to have savings accounts will be yelling for their money .
24 It 's not really much larger than a Piper Malibu , but it has that long pointed nose extending forever forward from a rakish windscreen , ending in the quadruple petals of that mean-looking prop , and that makes a difference .
25 Any reader literal enough to doubt Quinn 's success in those matters is likely to be diverted by the thrust and crackle of action rapidly described and by the element of chance so quickly exploited by the boy .
26 It is possible only to give prompts such as ‘ Do you think aims should come before methods when you are working out what to do ? ’
27 In May they released their first single , ‘ Eleven O'Clock Tick Tock ’ , and spent the rest of the summer touring Britain .
28 As a result , a three-hour tribute to the brave aqua-mammal will pre-empt tonight 's scheduled address to the nation by President North , which will now take place after the eleven o'clock nightcap news .
29 And when he came in at eleven o'clock breathing beer and curry fumes , try to fight off his hot little hands .
30 Sunnyvale , California-based modems specialist Telebit Corp has firmed up its January agreement to acquire Octocom Systems Inc for 5m new shares : Telebit currently has about 7.5m shares outstanding so Octocom holders would have 40% of the enlarged firm on completion in May .
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