Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It shows that we must step up our efforts to ensure that everyone is fully educated , but not only that they know the facts , but that they start to act upon them .
2 Rejoicing in the Lord is having the assurance that nothing is ever lost , that nothing is ultimately beyond him and his power .
3 that nothing is so lost or gone to waste
4 ‘ I 'm afraid someone 's now out there blackmailing these poor guys , ’ said Barrows .
5 It 's doing something like this which is historically the foundation of this country and carries us to a new era .
6 It 's doing something like this which is historically the foundation of this country and carries us to a new era .
7 Er this tells us that domestic political considerations are very important in deciding whether to use er violence or whether to threaten it or , or , or whatever erm so there is er er a domestic political dimension to this which is well worth examining if you wish to understand the limits that actually exist on politicians ' powers .
8 It is this which is most at risk in children with limited hearing .
9 But by accepting an explanation of this which is manifestly racked by conceptual , methodological and theoretical shortcomings , one gives purchase to the type of idea which is likely to prove injurious to the general interests of ethnic relations and the particular interests of black people .
10 Perhaps it is this which is so charming in the actions and behaviour of the infants of all species : the freshness and the tentativeness with which the life within explores its new mental and physical apparatus .
11 I I I have to say that I I I I 'm not enthusiastic about using this which is so obviously at a report in support of the particular locations , to look objectively at the criteria .
12 and she was , and he was about foot fifty , something like ten years different which is very little
13 Power up front will be former Dublin & South Eastern locomotive 461 which is now kept at Mullingar , pulling the society 's 1950 's style carriages with their distinctive green livery of that period complete with C.I.E .
14 Comparing the average profiles brings out the stark contrast in the slopes of the two curves after the age of 30 which is partially explained by career interruption at marriage .
15 This significant discover is being further evaluated during 1992 and 1993 , by an extended well test of Tempa Rossa 2 which is currently underway , a new seismic survey and by further drilling including a re-entry and deepening of the original discovery well in the Laurenzana permit .
16 ‘ Aah 'm afraid 'e 's badly , lass , ’ Annie answered sadly . ’
17 Gillian Mulcare is often very busy breeding Charolais sheep and growing vegetables , but despite this she is always on hand to assist her guests .
18 We have a confused and overlapping structure er er , the honourable member might be interested in just how confused it is er and how it can be simplified by er going along with the proposals we 're putting forward on this side of the er er the house because there 's so many overlapping authorities it 's just not clear who 's actually responsible for enforcement and compliance .
19 It is well known that the Princess wanted ‘ out ’ of the Royal Family , but to her fellow passengers it was also clear she is only now coming to terms with the fact that she really is out — and quite alone .
20 And when this Pamina finally enters Sarastro 's all-male Brotherhood of Man , it 's clear she 's really won her place .
21 Jane 's like another she 's really nice
22 Mr Tholen , who retires at the end of this month as chairman of Darlington Health Authority , is a dapper man of 67 who is never seen without a carnation in his lapel except , he says , when he is shooting or flying .
23 There was also there a vociferous ( John and later said they thought he might have been drunk ) Russian , about 35–40 who is currently on a short term study period at Florence University into the history of space travel and aeronautics .
24 I 'm afraid she 's just a name to me . ’
25 I 'm afraid she 's still adamant . ’
26 I 'm afraid she 's never learned to stand on her own feet .
27 A group of women can take in another who is thoroughly miserable , and if she allows herself to join in , she can find herself much restored by the general strength there .
28 And further on we shall see how in a somewhat similar way society substitutes one undertaker for another who is less efficient in proportion to his charges .
29 Royal Cedar , trained by John McConnochie , who has taken him over from the now retired Mercy Rimell , is another who is perfectly at home on fast ground , winning here over three and a half miles and at Newbury this season .
30 Royal Cedar , trained by John McConnochie , who has taken him over from the now retired Mercy Rimell , is another who is perfectly at home on fast ground , winning here over three and a half miles and at Newbury this season .
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