Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] [adv] did " in BNC.

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1 I was advised that before studying psionic medicine it would be appropriate to learn homoeopathy and this I duly did , leaving my post in the genetics department for one in the homoeopathic hospital .
2 This I immediately did .
3 I 'm afraid I just did n't realise the time .
4 I said , well the important thing is Jan if you are like this you obviously did n't like , there 's no way I 'm going to meet her you 're obviously thinking it over I said so the first thing you 've got ta do is turn up on Monday and meet her cos erm , then well you 'll know .
5 I do n't think we did this one properly did we ? you only use your right hand cos you push on that foot
6 This they eventually did at Messina — another positive augury for the future , perhaps — appointing to the post René Mayer who was , in fact , an associate of Monnet .
7 This it duly did , accepting , though not without some strong opposition , the draft of a working party on 10 March 1953 .
8 This he duly did while Eric and I were out flying kites .
9 This he usually did , and often it was his eldest son .
10 Its share of votes in social groups AB rose from 14 to 20 per cent on 1987 ; among the unemployed it actually did worse .
11 She felt almost traumatised by the revelation of just how much she really did want him to make love to her combined with his ruthless words about marriage , then his callous statements about what a loose little floozy he thought she was — and his finally saying it straight out : ‘ Do n't tell me you 're a virgin ! ’ with horror in his eyes .
12 All this is said so nonchalantly , with so much gazing across the water and into the cloudy sky , that a spectator might be convinced we really did bump into each other in our lunch break .
13 Either somebody else did , which is n't likely , because what would be their motive ?
14 Although unusual it certainly did not prove too challenging for the team from Birmingham .
15 Mm that something else did it , ooh .
16 It always used to be the case that one never did chemistry until the secondary school level .
17 All I ever did was try to help Ryan . ’
18 It took a long time and I 'm not sure I ever did .
19 The only part of her personal life in Hong Kong which was different was Damian Flint , and the threat he represented was so great she simply did not know how to deal with it .
20 erm I saw in the newspaper , as I am sure you probably did , last week that the government has just devoted , I think , nine million pounds over the next few years to develop curricula and methods of training teachers in schools , and I think it 's tremendously important that that does n't become merely a bit more science of one form or another .
21 Sometimes , too , you have to scratch ear to make sure you really did just hear what you thought you had , for although spotting-the-influence occasionally seems to tempt the listener , there is some highly individual writing here , and the prodigality of the invention is startling : the music simply poured out of her , sometimes with a batty , Ancient-Mariner intensity that buttonholes the listener willy-nilly , not stopping to form its garrulousness into coherent shapes .
22 I needed you so badly and all you ever did to me was cut me down at the knees . ’
23 when all we ever did that year was shout .
24 Mm was that all they actually did during those war years there just repairing the aircraft
25 Well I , I , I , I honestly thought the bar should have done , and I 'm sure it fucking did you know .
26 Yes I 'm sure it probably did I just thought Paul , go to the corner of the front room Paul and take something for that .
27 This is even though all he simply did was enter into a guarantee .
28 It 's all he ever did . ’
29 By the third single , most people were familiar with The Wedding Present 's pop thrash and all it really did was consolidate their position .
30 1 Where do we first learn about Auntie 's excellent eye-sight ? 2 Where do we first learn that Auntie can see into the future ? 3 How do we know that Auntie did not see the fire at the office block where she used to work ? 4 What exactly did Auntie foresee on the last afternoon of her life ? 5 Why did Auntie save Billy 's life , even though she knew that she herself would die ?
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