Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 First then the proposition that management should accept a responsibility for doing everything possible to keep prices stable or to reduce them .
2 We do not wish to perform poorly or to undercut our objectives .
3 The minister told a questioner later : ‘ To somehow suggest that this incident of 1,000MBq released into the atmosphere is somehow responsible for massive contamination of the food chain … it clearly is nonsense to suggest that or to compare it in any way with Chernobyl . ’
4 Is the intention to palletize that or to leave it as it is .
5 You may set that as a target to try and work at it this way to overcome that or to do it better .
6 Neither of these reasons for creating assemblies at the district and provincial levels implied a desire to make them broadly representative or to give them much clout , but as the draft legislation passed through the upper reaches of the government keen reformers got their hands on it .
7 Highlighting Labour 's key theme of the NHS , he said voters faced a stark choice : to build up the health service under Labour or to break it up under the Conservatives .
8 Do the Labour Party want it banned to reduce smoking or to increase it ?
9 But Charlotte , Emily and Anne Brontë did not live to grow old or to enjoy their fame .
10 He wrote not to tell her this nor to send her any kind of greeting but because he wanted her to do something for him .
11 It is more exciting for crowds to watch players striving mightily against one another than to watch them conniving amicably .
12 ’ What better revenge can there be on an unfaithful mother who gives her body to another than to reject her , and with her the principle of nourishment , in becoming anorexic ?
13 Surely it is better for them to strive to be literate than to engage themselves in the fruitless task of emulating the speech of the hearing .
14 BAIE SCOTLAND believes there is no sounder way to begin 1993 than to concentrate your post-Hogmanay mind on I.P. , an issues of increasing professional importance … so sign up without delay !
15 In an attempt to compensate for this and to represent what I can only assume is a minority interest for your readership , my entry consists of a substantial majority of jazzers .
16 So I think they 're right to be suspicious , and it 's right for those people who feel they have a role it 's up to them to make it appear interesting and to show them the relevance .
17 I tried to tell Younis that they were all wrong and to explain what Terry 's notes were really about .
18 Any of my old school friends in Wallingford that know me er well they 'll just never believe that I can run 26 miles because I do n't know if when you were at school , but when er when we used to have a cross-country run I was the one at the back and usually the P E instructor used to go round and whack us with a slipper , you know the slow ones and I was unfortunately one of those , but er now I 've been running with the Bicester Road Runners for what 2 years , er half , I 've done a few half marathons , nothing anywhere near 26 miles , I 've , my furthest run until yesterday was 16 miles , and yesterday , injured , with a bandage round my knee , I managed 18 miles , and I 'm pleased to say it 's still holding out and I 'm quietly confident that I 'm going to complete this , and like I say , if I can er well , just get the local businesses in Bicester interested and to support me , I say however small , just a , you know , if they , a penny a mile from just a few of the businesses in Bicester and , well , the Bible school could have , you know , a few pounds coming to them , which I 'm sure they 'd be , you know , greatly received .
19 And finally , there 's Tony , who 's wasting a lot of his time because you have n't giving him enough targets to keep him interested and to develop his potential , and to get the best out of him .
20 The main concern now is whether it can generate enough advertising revenue in a more competitive market to stave off programming and scheduling compromises to make it more popular and to build its audience .
21 But one can not help thinking that a far greater contribution to the preservation of the World 's rain forests would be made if companies could be persuaded to make their annual brochures less glossy and to print them on re-cycled paper .
22 Many believe strongly in the need fo Japan to be different and to retain what they see as its own traditional modus operandi ; they are quite satisfied with the roles which society expects them to play .
23 It is about helping them to recognise the resources that they have to offer one another and to use them effectively in response to individual interests and learning needs .
24 It can be used to communicate and to discommunicate , to bring people nearer to one another and to separate them ; to liberate human beings and to control them ; to iron out differences and to make and establish differences ; to clarify and mystify .
25 There is no way to do this but to earn their respect and to remember that they , too , can be hard-pushed .
26 It flattered his vanity to think himself in love with me ; it also gave him , I believe , some unadmitted pleasure constantly to long for my flesh and yet always to forbid himself the attaining of it : to deny himself was just as exciting as to indulge himself .
27 The result has been that in some cases the insurance premiums which manufacturers have to pay to protect themselves are so high as to make it no longer profitable for them to remain in business .
28 For smaller companies , especially those engaged in craft industries , the combined cost of monitoring equipment , inspection and certification is proving so high as to threaten their existence .
29 He blamed the fall of the city on the impiety and general degeneracy of the people , who had been so foolish as to ally themselves with Christians in the first place .
30 Not so foolish as to put your head in a noose .
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