Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [art] house " in BNC.

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1 Although it is clear that the House welcomes the Bill , the provisions appear to have been drafted largely with British Rail in mind .
2 I want to be clear that the House realises what we are doing .
3 Being unemployed and a house owner put even more stress on our relationship .
4 Something had gone wrong and the House wanted blood .
5 The barn was derelict and the house looked like a lump of mouldy concrete .
6 Still other rules cause the deletion of elements from the structure : [ 7 ] The house was empty and the house was neglected The house was empty and neglected .
7 I never seen a Christmas tree so big — it 's as high as a house .
8 ‘ A horse and a cart that stands as high as a house and cost the best part of thirty pounds and you lost them both ? ’
9 There was a terrible wind blowing as well , sheeting across the plateau , piling the snow into drifts as high as a house .
10 Drifts as high as a house Jamie said . ’
11 as if life itself were not as empty as the house one was coming back to .
12 It may be more hesitant than the House of Representatives about extending the death penalty , for instance for drug-dealing .
13 One rejoinder to this would be to cite cases like : ( 35 ) our new neighbours said they had had their old house painted mauve where it is perfectly possible that the house is much younger than anybody in the family .
14 The National Trust and the Trustees of Waddesdon Manor had come to the decision that it would be in the best interest of the house for as much work as possible to be carried out at one time , and the range of the repairs is such that the house can not be reopened until April 1993 .
15 In the midst of all this young life it was fortunate that the house was roomy enough for the professor still to get enough quiet and space to write .
16 Second , as a result of the large declines in nominal house prices , a large and growing section of the population is now in the ‘ debt trap ’ — the mortgage is bigger than the house 's current market value .
17 I was not particularly sad that the house was to be sold .
18 Lee had inherited a little of his father 's Oriental patience — although he had never met his father , who had apparently run one of the infamous Opium Dens in Whitechapel — and was quite content to sit , absorb the heat , and listen to the soft ticking and creaking as the house settled , content in his own company .
19 Much later , when the children were asleep and the house was quiet once more , Beth lay in bed beside her husband .
20 The scenery was lush and the house values just as high as London .
21 It is perfectly natural to say that the candle is alight or the house is on fire when strictly speaking only a part of it is .
22 Why it was thought appropriate to leave the important matter of imposing tax on building societies to secondary rather than primary legislation in this way remains a mystery ; but , whatever the explanation , the experiment was a total disaster and resulted in the Revenue producing some regulations in respect of a particular period of assessment which were so hopelessly flawed that the House of Lords found itself compelled to declare them void as being ultra vires .
23 Had the House of Lords retained the power to block the Commons utterly , and particularly had it not been possible for the Labour administration of 1945–51 force through its nationalisation policies by using the Parliament Act procedure to amend the 1911 Act , it is likely that the House of Lords would have been abolished .
24 She was deeper than the house , level with worms , all the dead things that were put into the ground .
25 I would say to you that the history of North Yorkshire County is that the house house builders have built , more or less the building rate of planning policy , whatever that has been , and that is a matter of fact , and if and if and if we are in a situation where the market is being fettered , as is the policy , and it 's not a policy which we are seeking to go away from specifically , and it is inevitable that the house builders will build to whatever the policy building rate is , and comparisons of one building rate with another are simply telling you what 's happened in the past , not what needs to happen in the future er in terms of meeting the housing requirement , and quite clearly in any area where you are introducing a new settlement , if indeed that 's the conclusion we come to , er late later on , erm and I hope we do , but if we are introducing a new settlement you are bound to skew the building rates , and the more and more you reduce the area in which you consider what the building rate effect is the more and more that it actually gets skewed , er and erm you know , quite frankly , when the developers built a new estate at the end of my particular street the building rate went up alarmingly in my area , er and er you know , we can go on forever like that , I just think it 's very misleading to just deal with the judgement of building rates .
26 ‘ I am also sure that the House will sympathise with the wish that they should both be afforded a degree of privacy .
27 I am sure that the House will welcome the fact that it is down to 3.7 per cent .
28 I am sure that the House would be interested to know what the Labour party 's industrial policy is for the motor industry .
29 I agree entirely that this is an outrageous invasion of private property , but I am sure that the House would not want Ministers to be able to instruct the judiciary to do anything , because we value its independence .
30 I am sure that the House very much hopes that the Government 's objectives are achieved because they will be a major step towards solving the issues of the international environment .
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