Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Johnson therefore knew in advance the principal social and economic demography of his readership — the professional and/or wealthy classes in and around London .
2 Of course , differential profitability may reflect differential exploitation of labour : in this case a left government could intervene to the advantage of enterprises which were less profitable because of less intensive and oppressive working and/or better wages by , for instance , minimum wage legislation or fostering union organisation in the more oppressive enterprises .
3 ( 2 ) In the 1950s nationalist leaders in a few Latin American countries ( Argentina , Brazil and Uruguay ) , at critical junctures when their economies were undergoing varying degrees of pressure , sought to explore the potential political and/or economic benefits of relations with the Soviet Union .
4 There are a number of classes of object made in England which can be shown to have regional and/or local distributions .
5 We can thus substitute equation ( 1 ) into equation ( 2 ) and obtain For a chemical system which involves only solid and/or liquid reactants and products , the expansion V of the system is often negligible or zero .
6 Under section I of the P. & C.E. Act the police can stop and search : ( a ) any person or vehicle ; ( b ) anything which is in or on a vehicle ; for stolen or prohibited articles ; and may detain a person or vehicle in order to conduct such a search .
7 The Act does not give a constable power to search a person or a vehicle or anything in or on a vehicle unless he has reasonable grounds for suspecting that he will find stolen or prohibited articles .
8 Human associations , then , can be viewed as being structured in terms of either prudential or moral practices .
9 The mere fact that I have set myself the end X , with Y as a necessary means to it , and without conflict with other prudential or moral considerations , does not guarantee me from being mistaken in doing Y ( Anyone who supposed that it did would indeed be guilty of the Naturalistic Fallacy without appeal . )
10 The more you learn about it , the more you understand how to use it , the less likely you are to subject your raw materials to absurd or unharmonious treatments .
11 Thus were explained anatomically the enormous jaws , high cheek bones , prominent superciliary arches , solitary lines on the palms , extreme size of the orbits , handle-shaped or sessile ears found in criminals , savages and apes , insensibility of pain , extremely acute sight , tattooing , excessive idleness , love of orgies and the irresistible craving for evil for its own sake …
12 The troops were authorized on Jan. 17 to fire on Azerbaijani or Armenian militants to defend themselves or to protect weapons stores .
13 The Committee has pointed out that nothing is more foolish than to have timetable motions introduced after a Committee has sat for some sessions , perhaps debating the first two or three clauses of a Bill , and then , the guilloting having been introduced , the rest of the Bill — perhaps 60 , 70 or 80 clauses — is rushed through with hardly any debate .
14 One can only assume that , if the Bill had been introduced 70 or 80 years ago , the House would have been rather more crowded than today .
15 He was a great businessman who ran a company which produced unique goods for 70 or 80 years .
16 The theatre was estimated to measure about 10 feet in height , 15 in breadth , and 20 in length ( can these measurements be correct — classes sometimes numbered 70 or more students ? ) .
17 That meant he carried on and when someone at the last moment dropped out , he dropped in ; it was more or less par for the course that , by the end of 1944 , a very large number of Pathfinders had notched up 70 or more sorties .
18 But the idea of people making frivolous , contrived or other cases in effect to swamp the social security system with decisions was —
19 At school , aged fourteen , I was only just starting to trim the fur off my jaw while some of the Spanish or Arab boys would be tucking in with razor and foam .
20 You may be tempted by Brazilian , French , Spanish or Scandinavian restaurants .
21 I think erm I think is quite fair maybe if concessions could be raised to one fifty or two pounds but overall I think that people who can afford it spend such a lot of money on the raffle and we therefore give raffle tickets to those who can afford it could jealousy and on the raffle generally about a hundred pounds is made and if there , if there was more charge for tickets , people might not give so much for the raffles and also if you give but if you charge them a nominal sum and then shove other things at them on their options they might be more willing to give to optional choices like a raffle .
22 They went fifty or sixty kilometres every day .
23 Fifty or sixty parents were present , and were talking in nervous or gushing little groups which centred on one or other of the teachers .
24 It was difficult to talk with the engine going , and I stared down through fifty or sixty feet of water to patches of pale rock starred black with sea-urchins .
25 Who now is going to kick sweetly to touch fifty or sixty metres when there 's a danger of a quick throw against you ?
26 He could offer them — what ? — not more than fifty or sixty pounds altogether .
27 Er , the comparable cost for a family of four in this country to go to somewhere like Alton Towers or to Chessington in your own car including the cost of petrol of getting there is of the order of fifty or sixty pounds at the outside .
28 About fifty or sixty yards away on the right-band side of the road a mortar bomb burst in the hedgerow , followed a few seconds later by four German soldiers carrying automatic weapons jumping from the hedgerow and scampering along the road .
29 Thirty yards beyond the rocks was an open glade , starting from the right-hand side of the track and extending up the hill for fifty or sixty yards , and screened from the rocks by a fringe of bushes .
30 And then , finally , out of sight but only fifty or sixty yards from this room in the field next the garden , there lies buried the main street of the old village that was wiped out by the Black Death .
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