Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Lamer and lamer , but Bob was discreet enough not to press .
2 At the same time they have kept their support tepid enough not to threaten their pose as the Palestinians ' champion .
3 If you make complex constructions , make sure they are stable enough not to tumble , possibly injuring your fish , or breaking the tank glass .
4 THE Kuwaitis are probably still rich enough not to care too much what others think of them , even the Americans .
5 Such a test much be wide enough to safeguard public morality , yet narrow enough not to encroach on private taste or conscience .
6 The table has to be solid enough not to give way when the patient rests on it , and it should be big enough to hold all the things the patient needs when he is out of bed .
7 At the same time , exhibits must be low-key enough not to distract visitors from their own thoughts : Auschwitz is also a cemetery .
8 What you need is something with a bit of muscle , but which is frugal enough not to bankrupt you before you get within sight of open water .
9 Travis was impatient to get on , but Paige was in a Libran mood , depressed and bloody-minded enough not to allow herself to be chivvied before she was ready .
10 In some cases they were turned away immediately , but , where they were invited to give further details , these were matched so as to be different enough not to arouse suspicion but similar in all respects that might be significant to a potential employer .
11 He hoped she would be civilized enough not to make a scene .
12 She did n't look old enough not to know of the riggers .
13 The study is a small-scale exploratory study which will involve intensive interviews with 54 married women whose children are old enough not to require that degree of care and attention which makes it difficult for a married woman to take up full-time employment .
14 I did hear of some people who had trouble getting tickets and that there was a delay in receiving them — some apparently not arriving until the week or even the day before the start but that is the sort of thing which can be learnt from and things will improve on future all-ticket matches .
15 I was British enough not to want to reveal my name to a stranger , so I just said , rather coldly : ‘ How are you ? ’
16 Much of Wessex , for example , is covered with late prehistoric field systems , of perhaps late Bronze Age date , which are very regular in form , some clearly not related to their local topography .
17 The tenant should be careful also not to agree a too restrictive period of time in which to carry out remedial works .
18 It 's easier sometimes not to achieve and just to settle for family life than it is to achieve and to set your occupational sights quite high and then to have to face the terrible and fight of having both a job and children .
19 In the time that followed , Auntie was very careful indeed not to talk about her sight , long sight , or foresight .
20 I 'm not sure whether practical , i.e. using a soldering iron , construction projects , are within Practical PC 's scope and readership but if readers are interested why not write in and sway the editorial decisions !
21 Across the green , Doctor Lovell heard for the first time about the accident at the old people 's homes , and was magnanimous enough not to make any comment about Edward Young 's steps in front of his partners .
22 The questions may be simple enough not to require the application of the whole process .
23 She was still concentrating on surviving , each day presenting its own series of obstacles ; she was content simply not to appear too odd or ignorant .
24 It is perhaps obvious to state that it is essential for all stories shared to be authentic i.e. not to make up stories — for if stories are fabricated the work of passing on the flame of faith will not happen .
25 Rose could never afford for herself the sort of supper her young man will provide for her , and she 's fly enough not to get herself dragged into an alley and done out of it .
26 Unfortunately he 's reactionary enough not to accord me the same freedom ! ’
27 She lay down on her back again , almost smelling the sharp odour of the whisky ; just awake enough to resist it , just sleepy enough not to make the climb out into the cold worth it , and felt numb with fear .
28 It was natural enough not to want this sort of problem to deal with if it was n't absolutely necessary .
29 The product should be : soft enough not to irritate or harm .
30 The incentive to reclaim the overpayment is lessened if a company is lucky enough not to need the cash immediately .
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