Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun] ' " in BNC.

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1 Reducing the emphasis on ‘ selling him up ’ and making it more possible for creditors ' claims to be met out of a debtor 's future income was one of the main objectives of the Insolvency Law Review Committee chaired by Sir Kenneth Cork which was appointed by the Government in 1977 and reported in 1982 .
2 It would be possible for officers ' secretaries to deal with external calls and most people do dial out direct anyway .
3 Without such understandings of why teachers do what they do , it is then possible for researchers ' and policy-makers ' own interpretations to flood into the vacuum .
4 UniSoft says it knows of at least three firms that paid up to $1m each for MIPS ' doomed Advanced RISC Computing development kit , originally designed to kick-start its Advanced Computing Environment initiative into life last year .
5 And , as is usual for Managers ' meetings , there was no one there to shout ‘ stop ’ .
6 Perhaps , accustomed to Francis , she 'd become unquestioning about others ' ways of life .
7 They would learn that in this violent age , not one in 10,000 gives a damn for prisoners ' rights .
8 A lot of women do this , they 're very tolerant about boys ' mess in the home and untidiness generally , and in a sense they , they lay the foundations , right from the very beginning , of boys ' growing up to think of women as kind of household servants .
9 They are very tolerant about boys ' mess in the home and untidiness generally , and in a sense they lay the foundations right from the very beginning of boys growing up to think of women as kind of household servants — this attitude , you know , boys will be boys and they make a mess and poor mum has to do all the washing .
10 There will continue to be problems if science teachers are personally doubtful about girls ' ability to do science well ; even if their doubts are not voiced ( and anecdotal evidence suggests they sometimes are ) , girls are unlikely to respond unless teachers show they believe that girls have something to offer science as well as the reverse .
11 She used not to be so censorious of others ' behaviour but her own betrayal had , she thought , seared her more than she understood .
12 The FDA was quoted as saying that the asthma drug Intal , which accounts for about half of Fisons ' pharmaceutical sales , was still on sale despite ‘ violations ’ only because of its medical necessity .
13 Indeed half of Littlewoods ' 2.5 million agents have adopted this route and the average number of customers per agent has fallen from between six and 10 to just over two .
14 Laboratory rodents that spontaneously develop autoimmune type I diabetes did so at a much lower frequency when fed a synthetic chow free of cows ' milk protein , and recently a peptide antigen called p 69 was identified on rat insulinoma cells which cross reacts immunologically with a similar sequence present in bovine , but not human or rat , albumin .
15 However , he had a darker side , and his commitment to his work , which often made him oblivious of companions ' feelings , was partly responsible for the failure of his first marriage .
16 Chloroguanide was not itself a pyrimidine , but it was sufficiently close for it to be tested in L. casei , where it showed interesting effects , resembling some of Hitchings ' compounds .
17 X/Open 's apparent inability to address some of users ' most pressing concerns has lead recently — at least in the opinion of its own consultants at the Gartner Group — to some ‘ concern about the future of X/Open : ’ it 's now being addressed .
18 The argument that in English one can theoretically address others without revealing status , on which some of Lyons ' claims for the ‘ objectivity ’ of the language rest , is not in fact readily subscribed to by linguists .
19 He might have known the Great Enchanter personally , and will almost certainly covet some of Drachenfels ' magical possessions .
20 The Black Pit is a vivid recreation and magically sustained celebration of some of Drachenfels ' most lurid evils and wickedness .
21 To this , you must add some of Drachenfels ' personal Grimoires .
22 I began to understand some of Holmes ' plan .
23 Shares of Cirrus Logic Inc plunged 30% on heavy volume following the company 's disappointing fiscal fourth quarter figures ( CI No 2,158 ) : Cirrus reported earnings of 10 cents a share , and the mean estimate of seven analysts surveyed by First Call had put fourth-quarter earnings at 31 cents a share ; Cirrus said it experienced a decline in profitability because of demand fluctuations in the disk-drive industry , where inventories are high ; analysts said its earnings wo n't improve until the September quarter ; disk guru Jim Porter , president of Disk/Trend , said some of Cirrus ' earnings shortfall is likely coming from Conner Peripherals Inc , which also recently disappointed Wall Street with its own results , because the rest of the disk drive industry is still healthy ; analysts also told Reuter that Cirrus is facing tougher competition in disk controllers from Adaptec Inc , Milpitas , California .
24 This certainly makes room for the many capitalist configurations found in history But some of Poulantzas ' critics have complained that , instead of creating a theory , all he has provided is an overblown list a set of descriptive categories so various as to be applicable to any social formation , and lacking any explanatory bite .
25 Some of Poulantzas ' own claims seem prone to this sort of problem : the hegemonal position of a class , for instance , is a function of its economic , political and ideological roles , of the form of the state , of its relations with other classes and functions , and the state of the class struggle .
26 In our last issue Stephen Briggs described the sad state of some of Wales ' abandoned churches .
27 There is so much in this strain that some of Andrewes ' biographers have tended to suggest that he was tormented by shame for the compromises which he had made with evil at Court and above all for his actions in the Essex divorce .
28 Thames TV chief executive Richard Dunn said on Sunday : ‘ The new channel will get a fast and economic start by using one of Thames ’ Astra transponders and by the use of some of Thames ' broadcasting assets . ’
29 Some of Koons ' colleagues scoff at the Cicciolina affair , dismissing it as yet another publicity ploy , the perfect merger between two media personalities , and a disguise for a small talent .
30 ‘ It was a conversion experience , ’ he says , ‘ I had seen his carvings in a vague sort of way already [ Esterly was then a post-graduate student at Cambridge and surrounded by some of Gibbons ' best work ] but I found myself looking at them there in St James 's as if for the first time .
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