Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] up to " in BNC.

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1 The triple and quadruple recombinant baculoviruses proved to be stable for up to nine passages .
2 Additional network users are charged at £95 each for up to eight network users .
3 Several have been kept alive for up to eight months .
4 NORPLANT gives cover against getting pregnant for up to five years and has been used for the past decade abroad .
5 They may continue this for up to five minutes .
6 In the only detailed study of tubular function in man , Diene et al found no evidence of continuing renal dysfunction in a group of nine patients with Crohn 's disease maintained on mesalazine 1.5 g daily for up to 12 weeks .
7 Random samples of the vitamin A bottles and of the capsules were returned for testing of retinol content by Hoffmann-La-Roche 's laboratories in Basel ; there was less than 20% loss of potency , even in vitamin A stored for up to 2 years .
8 While 39 per cent of those unemployed for up to six months were manual workers , this group made up almost half the unemployed who had been without work for between two and three years .
9 A 110 g jar costs about 95p and once opened will remain fresh for up to three months if refrigerated .
10 As an alternative , a racking system covered with thermal wraps was developed , which keeps the food hot but completely fresh for up to 30 minutes .
11 Since 1988 , when we launched Career Development Loans ( interest-free for up to 15 months ) , over P 20 25,000 people have benefited .
12 ( i ) The capacity of the free-living stages , particularly the egg containing the L3 , to survive on pasture , some for up to two years .
13 While Mr Heseltine discreetly canvassed back-bench dissidents on a plan to save 13 pits , some for up to only two years , the Treasury was insisting that only eight pits could be justifiably saved .
14 The radial shields are roughly triangular in shape often contiguous for up to half their length ; extending to just about half the radius of the disk .
15 Growth was reduced in all cases , in some by up to 70 percent .
16 On June 17 European Community ( EC ) industry ministers approved proposals allowing the German government to subsidize eastern German shipbuilding yards until December 1993 by up to 36 per cent of estimated turnover after restructuring ( the usual EC maximum being 9 per cent ) .
17 A demonstration on April 2 by up to 3,000 people outside the DP headquarters in the capital , Tirana , was dispersed by police firing into the air .
18 Spectra ( Allied Signal Inc ) or Dyneema ( D.S.M. ) comes with a smooth surface , braided or twist , slides with multiple line wraps and is even stronger than Kevlar by up to 50% on equivalent thickness .
19 SSP is payable for up to 28 weeks in a PIW , but most periods of sickness are over in three weeks .
20 SMP is payable for up to 18 weeks unless the woman goes abroad outside the European community , is taken into legal custody , or returns to work .
21 Sickness benefit is payable for up to twenty-eight weeks if a person is incapacitated for work at the rate of£33.20 a week , together with £20.55 for an adult dependant .
22 The first 14 days of any period of disablement is excluded and benefit is payable for up to 104 weeks from the 15th day of disablement .
23 Completely pre-paid for up to 150g , depending on the size of the Swiftpack , they come in three sizes and can be sent anywhere in the world from only £2.35 .
24 ( If all the salad is not used at once , keep refrigerated for up to 2 days with the lettuce , tomato and melon , as well as the dressing , separate . )
25 Sale starts December 26 with up to 50 per cent reductions .
26 Doctors who performed illegal abortions would be subject to up to 10 years ' hard labour and fines not exceeding $100,000 .
27 This simple canister squirts a harmless gas into the bottle , so it remains drinkable for up to four weeks and it lasts for over 100 applications .
28 POPULATION Concern , which runs 30 projects in 23 countries , asks sixth-formers to join a sponsored water-only fast for up to 24 hours between November 20 and December 3 .
29 LOVE-TORN John McEnroe tonight risks yet another huge fine of up to $10,000 in a career of many .
30 The pressure came from John McFall , a Labour home affairs spokesman , who put forward an amendment to the Carrying of Knives etc ( Scotland ) Bill calling for the planned six-month jail sentence or fine of up to £1,000 to be increased to two years or an unlimited fine .
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