Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] over the " in BNC.

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1 When the Vichy French fled , de Gaulle 's Free French and the British took over the capital .
2 It is understood that Sock Shop directors were in the US yesterday trying to find someone who might be prepared to take over the American end of the operation and continue to run it under the Sock Shop name .
3 Even so , with at least two American tournaments lacking name sponsors at the time of writing and the LTA 's anxious search for a company willing to take over the men 's autumn indoor event in Birmingham , are we , I wonder , starting to see the icy blow of reality infiltrating a sport which , for so long , has seemed immune from the impact of any recession ?
4 In such a situation the purchaser will normally be willing to take over the vendor 's liabilities up to a specified maximum or as specifically itemised in completion accounts .
5 When Oldham Magistrates granted summonses against Brady and Hindley for the murder of the child following a private application , the Director , having already decided that in all the circumstances it would not be in the public interest to institute proceedings against them , used his statutory powers under Section 6 of the Prosecution of Offences Act 1985 to take over the conduct of the case and to discontinue it under Section 23 .
6 But his assertion that a Scottish parliament should have some say over the siting on Trident nuclear missiles in Scotland brought an angry Mr Hughes to the rostrum : ‘ Let's not get dragged down the back alleys of stupid silly little constitutional issues which are doing this party no good whatsoever . ’
7 You told me your Uncle Walter is willing to hand over the entire estate to you anytime you wish . ’
8 The right hon. Gentleman may be prepared to hand over the government of this country to trade unions abroad , but that is not the position of the Conservative party .
9 In 1979 there were 3,080 barristers practising in central London and 1,283 spread over the rest of england and Wales ; considering that most courts are now decentralised , this certainly seems to indicate an imbalance .
10 As anyone will tell you , it 's easy to go over the limit , especially at this time of year when people are preparing for Christmas and buying presents .
11 When Tikhon was placed under house arrest in June 1922 , one of these movements , the Living Church , was given numerous concessions by the regime , and at first looked set to take over the role and some of the property of the Orthodox .
12 The following chapter will be devoted to an examination of the rocks produced by nuees ardentes and similar phenomena ; these travel over the surface of the ground as pyroclastic flows , and are very different .
13 It will allow the MDC to hand over the land at Herculaneum Dock to private companies which would finance development projects in return .
14 Also , uncertainty on your part can lead to the risk of you surrendering all control over the session to the engineer , who will be more than happy to move into the producer 's chair .
15 ‘ Are you telling me that you relinquished all control over the project ? ’
16 It took her no time at all to turn over the bed along by the rickety fence .
17 The latter took over the kingship and established himself in power , until he was overthrown by Chlodomer 's brothers , Childebert and Chlothar , ten years later .
18 In 9a ) , for consideration of the representative volume element , Hill calculates the volume average of for example the stress as the integral taken over the volume , divided by that volume .
19 Therefore , it is fair to ask why we are so keen on public transport if all experience over the past decade or so shows a fall in rail and bus passenger services and traffic in rural areas and in cities .
20 It took much of the fiery energy of Mr Brian Peckford during a decade as premier to regain full say over the development of the vast Hibernia oilfield .
21 Neil Edwards , the 27-year-old Harlequins lock forward who broke his nose and had stitches inserted in a gashed lip in the 1810 win over the Irish , did not play for his club on Saturday but hopes to be fit to face Bristol this weekend .
22 Some of them lived in a rented house , while the Taiwan Ten took over the garage and yard .
23 A few years later , with Atari in deep financial trouble , Nintendo was able to take over the US market too .
24 To a great extent eyes are able to take over the function of keeping us upright because we are able to orientate ourselves by seeing our own position in relation to the world around .
25 Eight years later Theudebald died without an heir , and on this occasion Chlothar was , it seems , able to take over the eastern kingdom without opposition .
26 Now I am delighted to be able to hand over the spot-light to my three management colleagues on the management team .
27 Is this a struggle inside Frodo 's soul , between his conscious will and his unconscious wickedness ( the sort of wickedness which might earlier have made him reluctant to hand over the Ring to Gandalf ) ?
28 But for such proposed order the appellant would clearly be unable to hand over the documents : he would be subject to an implied undertaking , analogous to that arising on discovery in civil proceedings , not to use the disclosed documents otherwise than for the purposes for which discovery was given , here the pursuance of the criminal appeal which is now , of course , successfully concluded .
29 When the Knights first took over the island on their expulsion from the eastern Mediterranean , they saw it as a penitential desert exile .
30 It was the red-haired left-hander 's first win over the squash legend , the first time he had played a match lasting an hour and 50 minutes at this level and won , and the first time he can ever have gambled so audaciously as he did at 13-13 in the final game .
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