Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] off the " in BNC.

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1 Latest word from the grapevine is that IBM Corp 's 3390-9 disk drive may be put back to June 1 or June 8 ( CI No 2,165 ) , and there is a certain lack of confidence that the thing will be an easy sell given that it is significantly slower than the lower capacity drives , making it unsuitable for most leading edge mainframe applications ( CI No 2,165 ) : the conspiracy theorists conjecture that it is not a product that the sales force and the market actually want , one that could have been developed simply to respond to something a competitor was planning but in the end never launched , but that it has cost sufficient to develop that to write off the effort now would leave a nasty hole in AdStar Inc 's balance sheet — much better to put the thing out in the confidence that some users will bite , and write the work off over perhaps a five-year product life .
2 Richard Goebel and his colleagues are not afraid to shake off the dust and restore the brightness , the vividness of the original …
3 Even if these things can be believed , it would be foolish to write off the Khmers Rouges .
4 On 5 June one of two Iranian F-4s that had come over from Bushehr , looking for another kill off the Saudi coast , was shot down by the Saudis ' more advanced F-15s , armed with the Raytheon Sparrow missile and guided on to their targets by AWACS surveillance craft .
5 I explained to her that I only had a couple of quid to my name , but I 'd be willing to pay off the rest before six months were up .
6 This work has had me taking this set off the shelf again and again .
7 She was wrapped in an old cloak which did little to ward off the elements , but she was oblivious to any discomfort .
8 So ideally what the industry needs is an alternative that erm , is really , that kills off the sheep scab bug , and at the same time er , is er , affords protection against other erm , things like er , fly er strike .
9 IT IS EASY to write off the Science Museum as somewhere you have already visited .
10 Indeed the so-called ‘ Revolution Bill ’ , the Umsturzvorlage proposed by the German government in 1894 to ward off the threat of revolution , made criticism of the family as an institution punishable by drastic penalties .
11 It had been impossible to stop my body from charging but now it was impossible to fight off the fatigue .
12 I still have to stitch er , erm my cardigan up for Melanie but erm it was easy to start off the other one while I was talking to your mother .
13 This is country where it is easy to live off the land , or out of the rivers , and to learn about life .
14 Ian was quick to shake off the dust , however , and went on to become one of Glasgow 's heroes .
15 Away from the Algarve , it 's not hard to get off the beaten track .
16 It was the waste of national resources and , to a lesser extent , the amount of human suffering in rural Spain , that in the years 1766–73 set off the most remarkable attempt at agrarian reform that Spain was to know until the days of the Second Republic .
17 Be sure to switch off the power at the mains .
18 A small firm on the brink of disaster two years ago cocking a snook at the recession by doubling its workforce and turning out garden tractors in the face of high demand … today saw number 5,000 roll off the line .
19 Leave some of the batter off the fish as well ; • If you are eating a pizza or pie do not feel duty-bound to finish off the whole thing .
20 In particular , the traditional , if untheorized , distinction between serious literature and ‘ rubbish ’ has broken down ; as Franco Fortini said , the occasional slummings of the aristocratic writer of the past have given way to a situation in which we all live off the ‘ guano ’ which our society produces day by day ( Cadioli and Peresson 1984 : 85 ) .
21 They may all start off the same , but the principle of organization is inexorable and they develop specialized functions according to the needs of the whole .
22 Nor have official bodies been able to ward off the most sinister threat .
23 But the Prime Minister may be more concerned to ward off the various demons she perceives on the horizon .
24 ( Most of those lie off the minute sheikdom of Brunei and are the personal property of the Sultan , who is in consequence the world 's richest man .
25 It is therefore advisable to switch off the fountain whenever the wind is particularly strong .
26 A £150 million rights issue in October 1991 enabled MB-Caradon to pay off the bulk of its borrowings and selling its stake in Carnaud-Metalbox would almost certainly be followed by an acquisition in the building materials sector .
27 The rout of German self-opinion meant that while Britain , France , Holland and Belgium were busy shaking off the last vestiges of feudal restraint in order to industrialise , the Prussian reaction to defeat was to define their contribution to the world as Kultur — a commodity that was best seen as the absence of change .
28 Wha and I want it very plain to show off the wood .
29 A dependable means of retaining your dog 's attention when it is first let off the leash is to take along a ball or flying disc .
30 If you work for a company which insists that you drive a particular brand of car , resign , first writing off the car in an accident in which two teenage hookers and a hallucinating macaw reach a rather untimely end .
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