Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] him [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 An eagle , gleaned with a 10ft putt at the 13th , got the Hope of Hertfordshire back on track but a bogey five at the 17th pegged him back again .
2 She was better off without him and we were n't sorry to see him off our patch . ’
3 All that holds him back from doing it himself is the desire for an heir to the clan — an heir of his own blood ! ’
4 In conversation with the boys they learnt of Minton 's homosexuality and though this ruled him out as a potential husband it did not diminish their desire to be in his company .
5 From this he deduced that the boiler was too small and this led him on to wondering why the engine was so inefficient .
6 Suddenly everyone was prepared to write him off .
7 ‘ Where is he ? ’ she snapped , her tone suggesting that she was prepared to track him down .
8 To those who urged the perennial claims of the virtues of community living and quoted Ecclesiastes 4:10 " Woe to him who is alone when he falls ; for he has not another to help him up " , Rolle answered : they do not define " alone " as being " without God " but understand it to mean " without company " .
9 At no time should a true satyāgrahi or a brahmacārin seek to avoid the company of women , but whether this justifies him in openly seeking the company of women in order to prove the strength of his brahmacārya vow , as Gandhi himself occasionally did , is a highly debatable point .
10 The tepidity of most British cinema during the 1950s made Anderson resistant to the values of commercial filmmaking , and this cut him off from the possibility of developing his critical argument through filmmaking .
11 Point taken , and I really feel sorry for Rocky at the moment , and hope he does n't leave , but I think with a player like Strachan at the club , who I believe is one of the best players in the Premier League at the moment , I think it would be foolish to leave him out .
12 He has promised to contact Ron direct to keep him up to date .
13 In some ways it was easier having him around where she could at least keep an eye on what he was doing .
14 Palmer now thought about testing the idea , and this brought him back to his original thoughts about the helium .
15 This put him off personal involvement in scientific research but probably provided material for his novels The Search and The Affair .
16 Hodkinson 's promoter , Barney Eastwood , revealed : ‘ French TV loved Paul so much they are willing to have him back before Christmas and fight an opponent of his own choosing . ’
17 Doctors were hurrying to him now , lifting him with careful , expert hands , speaking soothingly as they helped support him and half carry him back towards the wards .
18 A left-hook hurt Ekubia in the sixth round , and then another put him down for a count of nine .
19 He thought it wrong to take him out of Cambridge so quickly .
20 He 'll feel more in touch with things , Madeleine said : and it 'll be easier to move him in and out .
21 But he seems to have one problem that I 'm too embarrassed to ask him about .
22 From there , if and when it became possible , he would be taken to the castle at Soragna where the Principessa Meli Lupi was prepared to take him on in the guise of a gardener — a refugee who had been rendered deaf and dumb in the bombing of Milan .
23 Yeah , the one thing you have got there is that people are prepared to take him on .
24 yeah , whereas if you had the situation where people were n't prepared to take him on , it could be awful
25 Now Amsterdam seem to be willing to take him on despite the scandal , and are presenting him as an exciting and controversial figure , while many of his former colleagues in The Hague admire him , as do the public ; he is seen as decisive , inspiring and provocative .
26 He found another vessel whose captain ( a Scot ) was prepared to sign him on for the voyage to New York .
27 This brings him back to another of Mr Major 's weekend promises , to give people more of a stake in their local administration : ‘ If they are going to bring local government closer to people , it has got to be more responsive to the wishes of people , and less to the wishes of central Government .
28 We did n't half cheer him on .
29 One confident stride after another pushed him out across the ice until he wheeled sharply , shedding a spume of flakes at his feet .
30 ‘ I do n't see what 's funny , ’ Carrie said , and this set him off properly : he laughed so hard that he had to stop running .
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