Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] to this " in BNC.

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1 II adjusted its unproductive consumption and accumulation of surplus-value to accommodate to this pattern .
2 Ignoring the bargaining strengths of both parties , there is no clear reason why a vendor should be willing to agree to this and as a matter of practice should establish the order of priority of satisfaction of liabilities within the terms and conditions of the sale agreement .
3 Yet this did not mean that the natives were aware that Russia had ‘ owned ’ the region from ancient times , or that they would be prepared to agree to this state of affairs .
4 First it was kings and archbishops with some offstage divine tinkering , then it was the march of ideas and the movements of masses , then little local events which mean something bigger , but all the time it 's connections , progress , meaning , this led to this , this happened because of this .
5 As it happened , not everyone was willing to kowtow to this woolly Act , so it had to be strengthened in 1678 by another , this time imposing a fine on all defaulters .
6 Some refer to this change in the climate as global warming , others as the greenhouse effect .
7 If you are going to buy a camcorder , it might seem to he sensible to keep to this format : all your cassettes would be interchangeable , and you would be able to play back your own recordings on your colour television via your existing VCR just as you would any other tape .
8 This applies to this book as much as to any other .
9 to go back , because to do this to get to this stage and find we 're not getting our audiences then , if that 's the answer we 'll just have to find the solution .
10 So now Theodora looked across at the Inspector , wondering just how much she was prepared to say to this man .
11 Is it easier to say to this paralysed man , ‘ Your sins are forgiven ’ , or to say ‘ Stand up , take your bed and walk ? ’ 10 .
12 One study after another comes to this conclusion .
13 There was a much-told tale of her Australian infancy that was held to be prophetic in this respect — about how at the age of three she had , by the sheer force of her will , compelled her uncle Walter ( who was taking her for a walk to the local shops at the time ) to put all the money he had on his person into a charity collecting-box in the shape of a plaster-of-Paris boy cripple ; as a result of which the uncle , too embarrassed to admit to this folly and borrow from his relatives , had run out of petrol on the way back to his sheep station .
14 In cases such as this substitutes to this ideal are used , such as electoral registers , lists of households , etc. , with the proviso that such lists , while convenient , may not include , for any number of reasons , all the units that belong to the population of the United Kingdom .
15 ‘ Do you think it 's right to listen to this wicked man 's talk ? ’
16 But it was not easy to keep to this decision .
17 In the Ukraine , it was impossible to adhere to this principle .
18 Schools find it quite easy to adapt to this kind of grouping where they are dealing with ‘ marginal ’ subjects like music theory .
19 What may a liberal say to this ?
20 It was also surprising to hear that so many found it possible to stick to this diet when normally they found themselves lacking in the willpower department .
21 And do n't you tell me I 'm not fit to go to this bloody auction ! ’
22 Those most likely to object to this solution are those who have chronic illnesses and are currently receiving care within the NHS .
23 I mean it 's okay to come to this studio and , in Edinburgh and walk up a busy street and see people going into pubs and being drunk !
24 The erm , we did invite Ingy to come to this meeting just to report about the festival things , but er she , when I saw her , down at the Lyceum , she was sort of doubtful , erm just because you know
25 The modalities are likely to lead to this remedy :
26 Most of the countries with viable alcohol programmes are likely to belong to this group .
27 Dr Julia Thomason , a leading exponent of critical and creative thinking at Appalachian State University , North Carolina , says students are likely to react to this type of problem in one of four different ways :
28 ’ . If nearly half of all science has to do with the military , it is surely tautological to refer to this as a perversion of science .
29 They all agreed to this , and they became so occupied looking for ivy on the walls alongside the lane that they did n't see two boys suddenly come racing round the bend just by Miss Miggs 's cottage .
30 That is an indication of the priority that we all attach to this important issue .
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