Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Many have tried other companies ; they say our tuition is unbeatable , while our discreetly organised approach offers the widest possible freedom to choose between really interesting sailing activities .
2 Lou had allowed her coal-black hair to grow into a softer , more feminine style that flattered her small features .
3 He said : ‘ The fact that we are guaranteed a play-off place gives us a solid base to go to Molineux .
4 To send a letter in due course to ask for support from Council of Churches in the UK and Ireland .
5 However , behind that piece of information will be a myriad of pieces of evidence for the selectors to collect — information about parental values to do with winning and losing , about school attitudes to the athlete 's success , about energy , persistence , etc .
6 Only after knowing what our target is can we go on and set a transfer price that encourages each division to operate at the required volume .
7 Both women and men have a surge of testosterone in the early morning , but as women have a lower level to surge to , they are more likely to be overwhelmed by thoughts like ‘ What 's for breakfast ? ’ or ‘ Did I ring the plumber ? ’ than by passion .
8 Mr Karel Van Miert , the Transport Commissioner , is asking member governments to approve a plan which would leave passenger services largely in the hands of state-owned monopolies but open up freight services to competition by permitting private operators to pay for the use of publicly-owned tracks .
9 Last year 's Welsh Office waiting list initiative offering particular operations at certain centres was not a great success in Clwyd when patients showed little enthusiasm to travel to South Wales or Bangor for hip , knee and eye operations .
10 Under such pressures it proved very difficult for monetary authorities to intervene in foreign exchange markets to ensure stable rates of exchange between all EC currencies .
11 You should certainly benefit from some kind of major career or professional change to come around the 4th and the 11th .
12 They do n't ask your permission , if you wish that money to go into Tory funds .
13 I would have had to pay tax unless I 'd set up trusts , er by setting up trusts I could then effectively delay paying the tax er use that money to invest in new companies .
14 It means that money to pay for your current fuel consumption , and towards the arrears you owe , is taken from your benefit each week and paid direct to your fuel account .
15 To me , they are highly underrated — they are a band who write tuneful songs and have a very good line-up , despite what Ian Cheek thinks of ‘ Scott Reynolds ' hapless inability to sing in anything other than a monotone shout ’ .
16 To me , they are highly underrated — they are a band who write tuneful songs and have a very good line-up , despite what Ian Cheek thinks of ‘ Scott Reynolds ' hapless inability to sing in anything other than a monotone shout ’ .
17 Certain of the various inert gas isotopes have to be excluded , some because they are of sufficiently low mass to escape in appreciable quantities from the terrestrial planets , others because they are produced by the radioactive decay of isotopes of elements other than inert gases , and others for both reasons .
18 This is then deducted along with other allowances and deductions from total income to arrive at taxable income .
19 The mode and relations of production in an economy dominated by a smallholding peasantry strengthen the ability of the bureaucracy to control without strengthening the ability of other political institutions to intervene in a representative capacity .
20 Member states could however veto any proposal which they thought was detrimental to their economies , therefore very little progress to harmonise to common European standards took place .
21 Now that Grundig has priced its own recorders at dumping levels , however , the Japanese have been given a heaven-sent opportunity to welch on their promises to the EEC .
22 If at any time the whereabouts of a child on the register are not known , it is the custodian 's specific responsibility to set in hand immediate action to try to trace the child .
23 This survey differs from previous ones in that the department brought in private surveyors to work with environmental health officers .
24 A former Lieutenant-Colonel in the Queen 's Dragoon Guards , Mr. Mates had been tipped as a future defence secretary but his ill-fated decision to campaign for Mr. Heseltine put paid to that .
25 Taxonomy should be a common descriptive backbone to research in plant sciences , but the way in which it is conventionally presented makes such use difficult for the non-taxonomist .
26 Back at cell number 102 in Kirkby New Town , Fred Clasper made a momentous decision to emigrate to Australia .
27 The fiddler crabs of North America emerge from their burrows at low tide to scavenge for food .
28 We know too little about the internal social relations of some of the earliest collective and collaborative forms to speak with any certainty of that stage .
29 Through the desert with my family and through the perils of the desert and erm it took us about eight hours to go through the desert , which normally takes two hours , and it was very difficult .
30 You need about fucking forty eight hours to get through this
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