Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [v-ing] over " in BNC.

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1 As I approached I looked wonderingly at the slight figure with the soft fairish hair falling over his brow , at the holed cardigan and muck-encrusted wellingtons .
2 Hear all that shit going over ?
3 If this bracing action is not achieved at the top of the backswing , it will be caused either by the right foot folding over on its side during the backswing , or the right knee moving out of alignment with the toes , before or when you arrive at the top of the swing .
4 It was difficult to determine whether the explosions were from the German shells or from the Allied shells passing over , with the usual one or two dropping short .
5 Er , particularly since it was only half right , or you could n't exactly tell which half , not very clearly , so if it 's half by Freud , and er , it was a book erm , on erm , a controversial figure arguing over very controversial pieces , and I think the psychoanalytic study did n't want to have anything to do with it , and er , er , one of the reviews of the psychoanalytic journal that said that this is the kind of book that gets psychoanalysis a bad name .
6 She started to weep , with her long brown hair falling over her face .
7 Andy Barton , founder and chief executive of Barton Textiles , was almost as broad as he was long , virtually neckless , with incongruously long brown hair curling over his collar .
8 But there was a big loss of life as well , but what frightened me was this Germans coming over on Peedie bits of rafts and the men swimming in the sea and whatnot
9 Wearing an unremarkable stripy T-shirt and jeans , and with his unkempt hair straggling over his broken glasses , Chris does n't exactly exude wealth .
10 And he was dressed only in faded jeans , his torso quite bare , his dark curly hair falling over his forehead .
11 Bill Saltman 's head appears round the door , with fingers of wet hair hanging over his leathery brown forehead .
12 But she smiled to herself , as she thought again of the handsome Spaniard with those black eyes full of a sense of fun and adventure , that mane of glossy hair falling over one eye — and his dark brown velvet voice , which had melted her heart a lot more than she admitted to Rosie .
13 The enemy has not been very active since the 10th August and I somehow miss the occasional mortar burst in the area , or the odd German shell passing over .
14 The Allied guns behind us sent a few shells rushing over our heads from time to time .
15 Some have romantic visions of crouched and muffled figures dragging log-laden sledges through a savage landscape of snow and ice ; frost-bearded Vikings with massive axes , round great fires of pine logs ; or raw-boned Northerners squatting over faggot-heated porridge pots .
16 A rumble started , deep in his lung , like an old engine turning over .
17 Father Poole closed his eyes and joined his hands , Latin phrases stumbling over his tongue .
18 It was thus , when the weight of anxiety about his failed ambitions , his uncertain future , became too heavy that he would find his peace , standing motionless to watch the veined curve of the poised wave , the tumult of crashing foam breaking over his feet , the wide intersecting arches washing over the smooth sand as the wave retreated to leave its tenuous lip of foam .
19 ‘ You know , Irish , ’ he said softly , his voice like raw silk sliding over her senses , ‘ with a temper like that you really ought to have red hair … ’
20 You could always , you , you always used to say we could tell the German planes coming over er they 'd got a certain sound because they were so heavily ladened .
21 It is the detailed , etched pictures that really tell the tale ; the text serves to reinforce the story but suggests rather than dictates the plot , with different monkeys taking over as narrator .
22 old ferry coming over from erm Harwich to the Hook of Holland .
23 As it moved it creaked and crackled , an old tree moving over crisp leaves .
24 He scanned the newsprint greedily while his teeth sank into the bacon sandwich , the melted margarine dribbling over his fingers .
25 And I welcome the hint of wildness which the brown heather spilling over their brow brings to my tame lowland domain .
26 Rounding the great bend opposite East Ord , they suddenly came into view of the English forces massing over a mile ahead .
27 In fact nothing happened during those five months in 1940 except for the odd German plane flying over .
28 It was a German plane coming over .
29 They sometimes have unusual parenting styles and some , though by no means all , find that having a social worker looking over their shoulder makes them feel uncomfortable and unnecessarily unsure of themselves .
30 That we arrived back at base in such good shape was largely due to the magnificent efforts of our engineers Bob McSmythurs and Dave Parker who had to work hard to keep our ageing engines turning over .
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