Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To the Gaijin rear Jotan 's five hundred were a solid mass cutting off the line of retreat .
2 This is caused by energy from a weak field pulsating in harmony with the resonant frequency of ion motion in a steady magnetic field .
3 The Presidential Council initially appeared designed to supplant the CPSU central committee politburo as the main centre of political decision making in the Soviet Union .
4 The embroidery , a pattern of golden lily-flowers dotted here and there , each one at a fair distance from the other , would be confined to the shoulder band and to a broad sash fastening at the back in as large a bow as Miss Dallam would tolerate , its ends falling to the hem of her skirt .
5 IBM 's Pennant Systems last week announced the extension of its Advanced Function Printing into the AIX/6000 environment and WISIWYG viewing on PS/2 screens under Windows .
6 Certainly the driver seemed satisfied enough , she accorded with relief as with a smile he pointed to an illuminated notice indicating that her hotel was at the end of a narrow passageway leading from the main street .
7 Notice the narrow snout extending beyond the mouth which helps it to seek out small rodents , reptiles and invertebrates .
8 Fifthly , in the arena of foreign affairs , Hitler was commonly regarded as an upholder and a fanatical defender of Germany 's just rights , a rebuilder of the nation 's strength , a statesman of genius , and for the most part , it seems , not as a racial imperialist warmonger working towards a ‘ war of annihilation ’ and limitless German conquest .
9 This sort of task is very common in process control situations where the operator often makes a preliminary three-way decision corresponding to the worldwide system of red , amber and green traffic lights .
10 He laughed , a warm , comfortable sound that reminded her of homely , rustic things like sleek cattle and woolly sheep grazing on a West Country hillside .
11 MOST people would agree that drug dealing inside Buckingham Palace is a pretty serious crime by any standards .
12 Prison visitors seemed to acknowledge that drug taking among inmates is widespread .
13 Otherwise , departmental estimates have to be discussed with and agreed by the Treasury , with any surviving disagreements falling to be resolved by the Cabinet .
14 It is wisest to treat each variety according to the details and information that will be contained in the better kind of catalogue — the sort of information which will also influence your decision where to order .
15 IF THE promises are kept , the fourth Conservative term will see private operators competing on the railway network , a huge road-building programme to ease congestion and further moves to increase choice for airline passengers , all underscored by a commitment to transport safety .
16 She ran through the last few streets and saw with relief the familiar tall building rising against the night sky .
17 the claim is hard to substantiate , not so much because of Nietzsche 's professed lack of " literary ambition " ( a somewhat disingenuous profession in any case ) , but for want of any decisive evidence in , for instance , the copious private notes surviving from his first years at Basle .
18 Dynamical variables , such as energy , momentum and position , have been successfully introduced into the formalism as hermitean operators acting on the vector space of the states of motion .
19 In Powys , a search for eight scouts missing on the nearby Black Mountains , was called off when they walked into a police station .
20 The only other element in there , Chair , is we , we 've shown the specific grant coming in , er , in the figure that it 's been announced .
21 Systems using heat detectors are inappropriate for high-bay warehouses bearing in mind that their response will be little ahead of the sprinkler system , which itself will provide an alarm signal both locally and to the Fire Brigade .
22 The eponymous heroine is a raggle-taggle Romany wild child who leads a none-too-glamorous existence breading in vicious horses while starving ; but her escape is in dreams of palatial estates and clean petticoats .
23 Becoming embarrassingly aware of the awful smell emanating from her sodden clothing , she closed her eyes in defeat .
24 A FORMER spokesman for the EC Commission today blamed the British Government for the lack of European funding coming to the province .
25 In this chapter we examine a number of different forms of short-term contract working in a number of different sectors .
26 Here we consider short-term contract working in its most traditional form .
27 Our description of short-term contract working In one of its most traditional forms — seasonal working — has shown that temporary workers can not always be distinguished from regular workers simply by reference to the contract of employment under which they work .
28 How far these findings apply to short-term contract working in the manufacturing sector is the subject of the following section .
29 Short-term contract working in manufacturing differed from short-term contract or seasonal working in the three service sectors described above and , indeed , from the other forms of temporary working we have examined in this study , ion that many of the temporary workers concerned were " involuntary " temporary workers .
30 Short-term contract working in its traditional form has not been a subject of substantial political or academic concern , but questions have been asked as to whether the " new " short-term contract working in manufacturing is displacing regular working or undermining the conditions of the regular labour force .
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