Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't mean sermons , or those awful sewing bees we used to have .
2 A terrific midwife hales them up and down stairs to the first antenatal session .
3 Alternatively , down the road at Chateau de la Muire where I am told by friendly Champagne producers you will find one of the region , s most creative cooks — Jean-Pierre Lallement .
4 Within the broad perspective of rural settlement studies it is most apparent that they are not static entities and their mobility results in their frequent desertion .
5 But frankly it 's not likely to irritate your skin anyway because er you are n't industrial users of this you would only ever touch these chemicals for a very short time so the any possible side effects they might er have on you will be greatly diminished by the fact that you did n't use them very much .
6 you keep them in you do n't say technical drawing cabinets you say
7 When the community midwife calls at home on day 6 or 7 to take the heel prick blood sample for the usual screening tests she asks whether or not they want their son tested for Duchenne muscular dystrophy and marks the screening card accordingly .
8 I like a book token cos I always feel a bit guilty buying books you know , cos I 've got so many
9 We 've argued that that would stimulate migration as opposed simply to accommodate past trends , so we 've argued that , but the the problem for West Yorkshire well for Leeds in particular is that the brown field sites we have , the regeneration that we need is not of sites which would readily accommodate housing , they 're not sites which lend themselves as nice places to live .
10 Mrs Lennox placed some sliced corned beef on the table along with some griddle scones she 'd had in the larder wrapped in a cloth .
11 A delegation of Indian software producers who came to Britain last year received only three responses from 190 British computer firms they visited .
12 She wants some vegetable samosas she said I do n't want meat ones , vegetable samosas .
13 There are curtains , linens , lounge suits , bedrooms , and a luxurious range of top brand beds you must try out to appreciate .
14 One of my more cynical film critic friends uses me as his personal ‘ shriekometer ’ to gauge how freaked out Joe Public is going to be by some of the grizzlier horror movies we have to sit through .
15 The Faithful Foundation has declined to explain or clarify its statement.But if it was designed to wrong foot protesters they 've failed .
16 I will add a cautionary comment however , and say that you wo n't necessarily be able to change absolutely everything , at any time of the day or night , because there are some base requirements we have to address and we have to meet .
17 Some money matters I should have sorted out . ’
18 Even in these countries , however , although employers ' organisations may not be direct bargaining institutions they can still play an important role in industrial relations by helping to achieve a degree of cohesion among employers through their coordinating and advisory functions .
19 From the high response levels it was clear that IPSENTA rated highly on Client Satisfaction , was strongly recommended by both sponsors and informed community members , and compared favourably with other LEAs in terms of the numbers of new start-up firms and their survivability .
20 Basically everything we all agree at the Institute the question of improving the lot of the Third World is the responsibility of Third Worlders , and in fact a number of us would add that in very many cases , certainly not in all , it would not be achieved through slow incremental technical change , but would require in some cases very major social structural changes that in some cases erm will only be brought about very major social upheaval erm and there all we can do is add to perhaps the element of increasing consciousness and awareness of the problems , which furthermore is a two way street , I mean when we have this study activities we learn as much from the people who attend the seminars as we tell them .
21 The weekly covers things he more or less knows about and it seems more often to be of more direct concern to him and his family than an event that happened elsewhere .
22 He is often confused with another Duncan Campbell who writes about state secrecy and whose Inland Revenue demands he sometimes receives .
23 Among the many Old Testament characters I learned much from the prophet Elijah .
24 Towards the end of the 19th century , in 1894 , former College Principal James Beart Simonds published in his old age a series of biographical sketches of some College teachers he had known .
25 Yes , some of the departments , some department managers I think have more erm , their goals tend to be more short-term possibly than longer term .
26 In some high crime areas you ca n't get cover without a lockable garage so you may have to rent one .
27 The first dimension of meaning of the handshake as action is the open set of distinct social action sequences it helps to perform .
28 I mean you liked it at night but I mean we 've got people right but some Friday nights we 've only got them in that bar .
29 Bob stayed away from home every evening , pursuing old Hitchcock films he had seen before to art cinemas in Kilburn , Tooting , and Putney , and eating cheaply in Indian and Cypriot restaurants .
30 ’ Posi , ’ I said carefully , ’ give me a list of what the old data packages you found says are the special powers of the Ardakkeans .
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