Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 The Goldsmiths deliberated , and in due course authorized the expenditure .
2 A path-counting algorithm determined the number of words strings for each of the lattices .
3 Well , in this particular experiment , what the experimenters did was , when the parental birds left the nest , they stuffed the erm , the chicks as full with worms as they could possibly stuff it .
4 Thick black curves of dry seaweed marked the reach of the tides .
5 John Ehrlichman , Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs , has provided vivid testimony of the low esteem accorded the legislative branch in the Nixon White House .
6 In the 1985/6 Westland Affair two political opponents deployed the media as part of their armoury but , in the event , both were forced to resign as the affair gained a momentum of its own .
7 During the summer , these two weeds reviled each other , as fabulous creatures will ; the lowly weed accused its brother of grandiose , spendthrift ambitions , and the tall weed called the low weed mean and miserly .
8 Early skiers reported back that powder coated the empty slopes and bookings flooded in to the tour operators .
9 Near the summit locks on the canal , however , is a preserved building called the Etruscan Bone and Flint Mill , which was built in 1857 to process raw materials for the potteries .
10 No such lack of lush pasture afflicted the Fens , especially in the silt belt , where medieval prosperity is commemorated by mighty churches and confirmed by historians ' research into medieval and sixteenth-century tax returns .
11 They said they were offering a new short introductory course called the general SVQ in care .
12 1792 It being Represented to this Meeting that their is unlawful combinations and Meetings held by the Weavers in the Island , particularly in the Parish of Kilchoman , for the purpose of shortening or cutting off the usual measure called the Islay Ell , which has for time Immemorial been the Standard Measure given by the Weavers with every Species of their Manufacture , and for reducing the measure to the English yard , and for continueing the prices for the English yard as high as that for the Islay Ell
13 Participating in a traditional bloody ritual called the grynd , that dates back over the centuries , Faroe Islanders each year herd large schools of pilot whales into shallow waters and then , with man and whale alike thrashing in red blood-stained water , the animals are gaffed , speared , or knifed to death .
14 If that bedroom painted the wall there .
15 Whether that uncertainty affected the players can not be assessed , but this match sank below the fare served up in the last home game against Swansea , and that was bad enough .
16 All in all , it 's easy to see why a small-town club called the Rovers made the fancy dans in the big cities .
17 You can see the one that Scott done the other day .
18 When they launched themselves into production in 1922 , Balcon and Saville with Woman to Woman , the story of a shell-shocked officer who comes out of amnesia to discover the truth about his sordid past , and Wilcox with two films of which the second , a florid melodrama called The Flames of Passion , was a hit , they used the same director , Graham Cutts , and judged it worthwhile incurring the expense of bringing over American stars , Betty Compson for Woman , Mae Marsh for Flames , in order to increase their films ' marquee value at home and abroad .
19 The idea that an economic imperative justified the large-scale demolition of people 's homes was not unknown elsewhere in Eastern Europe ( or the West ) .
20 The plot centred on mankind 's confrontation with a Galactic enemy called the Diaboli .
21 This change paved the way for Protestantism , which first took hold where French was spoken — in a number of towns , and in the socially' atypical mountains of the Cévennes — and then spread to other rural areas .
22 Samsung Electronics licensed the workstation CPU , system technologies and HP-UX operating system and developed the SWS715 workstation in co-operation with Hewlett-Packard .
23 There was however some danger of developments of this kind given the resources of the powers that were active in the region .
24 Funding an operation of this kind required the authorisation of the office of France 's prime minister , Laurent Fabius , and he was certainly not going to give that without the president 's approval .
25 Peter Shaffer had written a two-part play called The Private Ear and the Public Eye .
26 The astonishing attack came as enraged creditors branded the disgraced coach chief ‘ scum , ’ a ‘ cheat ’ and a ‘ fraud . ’
27 Their own transport and they do , do run coaches and er there are rail British Rail run the service as well as a rule .
28 Landsat 4 has another sensor called the multispectral scanner which is a copy of that carried on earlier members of the Landsat family .
29 The French authorities repatriated the two in 1987 and 1988 respectively , ostensibly for medical reasons , without seeking permission from New Zealand .
30 The earlier chapters of this book have shown how events and a growing sense of disillusion with many old policies paved the way for a new approach .
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