Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The dishevelled hair and open-necked shirt signal his bohemianism , but any inclination to romanticise himself is denied by the remorselessness of his gaze , the terse expression of the mouth and the severity of the draughtsmanship .
2 A HARD-UP Middlesbrough man who travelled to London in search of work but ended up plastering sex-for-sale stickers in the capital 's call-boxes to raise some quick cash , was going straight back to his parents as soon as he could , Marylebone Magistreates Court heard .
3 American and United get their strength from strong route networks which draw in huge numbers of passengers .
4 The pollution is exacerbated by the 90-year-old outfall pipe which has broken , in the past , in at least four places .
5 The client will in due course bill its parent for the work .
6 In due course Tommaso himself brought the wine .
7 De-differentiation refers to the reversal of that differentiation process which observers such as Weber ( 1978 ) saw as central to the processes of modernity .
8 The Ness Co-operative have moved , in nine months , from an attitude of , ‘ They should do it ’ to a conviction of , ‘ We must do it ourselves ’ , and have established a vegetable co-operative , bought a combine harvester , leased an unused schoolhouse garden which they will sponsor as a Job Creation Scheme to be prepared for use as a nursery and demonstration area for horticulture , and intend leasing an entire croft belonging to a member of the Community Association .
9 By limiting itself to cautious probing on the 21st ( all except for the disobedient von Zwehl who had registered the day 's only success ) , it had lost a valuable day .
10 This chapter tells the story of a collaborative curriculum project which involved pupils and teachers from two schools in Dudley , in the West Midlands .
11 This activation of a hypothesis through connections to any part of it is enough in itself to recover the missing information , but TRACE II also has feedback from the higher level which can increase the activity of all the lower level descriptions which support it .
12 What specific meanings Dicey himself intended when writing the Law of the Constitution matters little .
13 In each West Court there were large cylindrical granaries , and the curious pattern of paved causeways suggests that the granaries , as well as the temple entrances , were focal points .
14 The lead adviser must be seen to be controlling the progress of the transaction and therefore it is useful to appoint a chairman for each progress meeting which should be attended by the principals and the senior member of each professional team .
15 This has been brought about in two ways , first , by specific EEC Directives which insist , for instance , that Britain gives preference to EEC countries with respect to her sales of North Sea oil .
16 The recognition of Saxon settlements , not under medieval villages but in open sites which were later abandoned , has also indicated that settlement patterns themselves have altered and the desertion of individual settlements within the pattern , even in quite recent times , means that settlement patterns are as dynamic and changing as the settlements themselves .
17 The government announced on Aug. 7 that it would implement the recommendations of the Mandal Commission and reserve 27 per cent of government and public-sector jobs for members of the " backward classes " ( a category referring to members of economically disadvantaged caste groups who were not considered " untouchables " ) .
18 Deanes booking was a joke , he tangled with that git Hodges who had body-checked him .
19 It is a strange sister party which wants to see Labour 's sworn enemies back in power .
20 The causal explanation must be that old age causes poverty , not that poverty causes people to be old ; in a cross-tabulation of age by poverty , it is more natural to examine the proportion of each age group who are poor rather than the proportion of each income category who are old .
21 I do n't mean sermons , or those awful sewing bees we used to have .
22 There is nothing inherently blippy or noisy about that bit pattern Nothing about it tells you that it will have that effect on the loudspeaker .
23 The Treasurer 's room was all dark teak furniture and the walls were hung with portraits of the top men in the Corporation , unlike the walls of Mark 's office which were covered with coloured aerial photographs of the many European component plants which had come within his planning responsibility .
24 It was the first multi-cultural CPRW meeting I have been to — most refreshing !
25 Whether you are a novice or advanced computer user you will find programs and information that will be of use day after day , and at affordable prices .
26 Whether you are a novice or advanced computer user you will find programs and information that will be of use day after day , and at affordable prices .
27 The danger , however , is that by creating a western European defence force we may repeat the errors of old .
28 A terrific midwife hales them up and down stairs to the first antenatal session .
29 If your training contract starts in 1994 , you will be required to take the Professional Skills Course which will cover the areas of accounts , investment business , personal work management , professional conduct and advocacy .
30 Though small , it had wonderful views across the gardens and fountain from a tall sash window which took up most of one wall .
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