Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [pn reflx] a " in BNC.

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1 Nietzsche already made the point , and as a philosopher who was willing to call himself an egoist his witness is especially interesting :
2 Later the reigning champion , Paul Carter , beat the second-seeded former champion , Phil Kenyon , 10-8 , 9-7 , 9-1 to earn himself a semi-final today with another former champion , Bryan Beeson , whose magnificent recovery overcome the England international Chris Walker 8-10 , 8-10 , 9-5 , 9-0 , 9-7 .
3 2 Set yourself a standard for everything you do today and from tomorrow onwards .
4 We each filled ourselves a small glass of vodka , and he said , ‘ George Dionisovich , I will try to help you for your kind heart and for your kind deeds ’ .
5 The next morning I woke up , and was relieved to find myself a normal man again …
6 In an historic decision to break with Moscow , the Lithuanian Communist Party has voted by more than 5-1 to declare itself an independent party .
7 Golf : Feherty to spin himself a cocoon
8 But it is possible to give yourself a massage at home , after your bath , using a rich lubricating cream or body oil .
9 If you feel deprived and miserable by not being allowed an early evening drink , or a glass of wine with your evening meal , it is usually better to allow yourself a little alcohol while dieting .
10 I 'm highly unlikely to find myself a husband and produce another child within the next eighteen months . ’
11 " Pure reason ! " barked the Magistrate , unable to contain himself a moment longer .
12 Most regarded the special circumstances in which the enterprises concerned found themselves a legitimate reason for consenting .
13 ‘ Maybe the party will be able to get some money out of it and we will be able to prostitute ourselves a little bit more .
14 That helps me a lot and I find I 'm able to assert myself a bit more .
15 If she keeps that up I will be able to buy myself a couple of books from the alcove book shop by the end of the summer .
16 No gender differences were in fact detected , but the assessment system was rendered less liable to such biases staff were sensitized to their existence and nature and the course was able to give itself a clean bill of health without any special data collection effort being required .
17 But he was already a fallen idol in Patricia 's eyes , all because he had not been able to deny himself a sentimental gesture before leaving .
18 It is also important to give yourself a realistic — even generous — and flexible budget of time , so that further self-punishment does not accrue if you fail to complete everything in a day .
19 With hindsight one can point to the underground man complaining that if he could manage even to loaf and idle around wholeheartedly he would be able to call himself a lazy man .
20 The out-of-the-practical-swim ex-student , ex-teacher , the worker at thinking in bed , would be able to call himself an arrested man !
21 At the Manor Ground , Oxford United won themselves a draw after a diabolical first half .
22 " You will be able to earn yourself a proper living . "
23 She was able to make herself a pottery workshop by joining two old telephone engineers ' caravans together , and now works from her father 's market garden near Livingston .
24 He is proud to call himself a ‘ Deadhead ’ — not some obscure Whitehall term of abuse , but the name given to fans of the Grateful Dead , an American rock band .
25 Why are you so all-fire determined to do yourself an injury when I 'm around ? ’
26 A few seconds is enough to give themselves a boost !
27 The Peleus had been sunk at 7.30 p.m. ; Eck therefore had a whole night 's steaming to put himself a hundred miles from the sinking before submerging at dawn .
28 There are a number of men only too anxious to buy themselves a knighthood who might be most attracted to a project that catches the public sympathy . ’
29 Chris Wilkinson defeated fellow Davis Cup player Mark Petchey 6–2 6–3 in a disappointing match , to face Texan Brian Joelson in the semi-finals while Bates outclassed young Italian Massimo Ardinghi 6–1 6–0 to earn himself a meeting with a Swedish qualifier from the first week , Johan Donar .
30 In April , Robb who would be roi was anxious to prove himself a fully paid-up Hartlepudlian , a member of everything from West Hartlepool Rugby Club to the governors of Fens School .
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