Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [adv prt] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Head Housekeeper is due to retire in late 1986 and the Accommodation Manager at the end of 1987 .
2 • Williams was due to carry out urgent tests in England in a bid to trace and cure the gearbox problems evident in Phoenix .
3 We was too cold to sleep , to exhausted to search out extra blankets from unlabelled tea chests .
4 The latest Microprocessor Report says the cancelled Motorola Inc 68050 , a minor upgrade of the 68040 , fell prey to a resource battle with two next-generation implementations that were to follow the 68050 : the LP040 , a low-cost , low-power re-implementation of the 68040 in 0.5 micron technology due to sample in late 1993 , and ‘ Q ’ , a fully static modular , superscalar , superpipelined part that borrows from the 88110 and will probably come out as the 68060 .
5 this , this , they only start from sort of like , there 's the house , and it goes half way up the garden , so I want fifty up at one side , and put fifty to go up other side , I want fifty to go across the garden , and they 're gon na go across the garden and cut the garden in half
6 However , as we will see in this chapter , it is possible to carry out systematic studies of production ; and the results of such studies have an essential contribution to make to our understanding of language processing .
7 It is , however , perfectly possible to carry out overt studies of some of the more sectarian or ‘ closed ’ groups .
8 Bigger country , not one tight little prejudiced clapped out topheavy society , less breathing down one 's neck .
9 This was non-preordinate evaluation , in which it was possible to find out unexpected information .
10 Wittgenstein argued that it is not possible to spell out necessary and sufficient conditions for an activity to be a game .
11 There are about 200 at risk rhesus babies each year and when it comes to treating them , ultra sound scanners have made the difference , making it much easier to carry out accurate safe transfusions .
12 It is often not needed and because sometimes you require both hands free to clamber over slippery rocks , with sharp barnacle-encrusted boulders as the only hand-hold , superfluous equipment is to be avoided .
13 This laid down specific objectives for each party in A Squadron in three phases , specifying that the squadron would come under the command of the Eighth Army on 16 October .
14 The aim of the discussion on full employment policy in his Cabinet committee was to put out a statement before Beveridge , and the politicians were prepared to slide over practical difficulties in implementing the policy — all that was required was a statement of principles .
15 The talking that accompanies play with such materials as water , sand , clay , junk materials , and bricks , with dramatic role-play in the Wendy house and the model shop , and with imaginative play with miniature animals , people , and vehicles — all of this builds up spoken vocabulary .
16 If services are no longer to be held , even irregularly , there may still be a local farmer or former parishioner who is willing to carry out basic maintenance .
17 The landlord is not prepared to come up front and say that 's what he 's doing .
18 Stereotypes like this flatten out important details : they disguise the exceptions to the ‘ women speak more standard ’ rule , or else are unable to account for them .
19 I just find it interesting to try out different ways and in the process , I often produce some attractive patterns !
20 Revelations in February 1986 that the government was prepared to sell off British Leyland and Austin-Rover to American-owned companies provoked opposition from Conservative MPs in the affected constituencies which killed the proposals .
21 ‘ It would be wrong to rule out military action for all time . ’
22 Do n't be afraid to open up uncharted areas or kick down a few fences .
23 The European Commission last year proposed that all EC railways should separate track operation from running services , in the hope that it would then be easier to open up national railways to outside competition .
24 Company and tax law should be amended to make it easier to set up diversified forms of ownership including profit-sharing schemes .
25 What he was looking for was something very small if he was prepared to tip out tiny containers .
26 If think I 've got this written down wrong , classes of occupation one , two and three can only have a four week deferred period , that 's no
27 This rules out radical new ventures .
28 He was prepared to buy off political pressure , as over workplace nurseries , in a way Mr Lawson would surely have disdained .
29 Though inspectors have no enforcement powers , Wing believed they should be free to point out difficult areas of practice .
30 Some set up agricultural communities where they could take refuge from public contempt for ‘ conchies ’ and convince themselves that their experiments in communal living would , once ‘ the grim period of war is over … be remembered as the forerunner of the new society . ’
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