Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [coord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When hormone levels in the blood rise , due to anger or aggression , the device releases an artificial chemical which neutralizes other bodily fluids like adrenalin , ’ Dexter explained .
2 The desert is not a place conducive to jest and pranks .
3 Er , the other thing is of course colleagues that the doors at the side are , are open for very good reasons and I mentioned yesterday from time to time that once we get er we get talking there 's a that goes and colleagues at the side of Congress have a great deal of difficulty in hearing and listening to the debate .
4 Any part of the cost of a development which is attributable to plant and machinery will generally qualify for a 25% annual allowance if it is used for the purchaser 's trade or leased by the purchaser to another for the purpose of the other 's trade .
5 That beats and leaps for pleasure … .
6 Ironically , it was a track which Lauda had always opposed on safety grounds and there had been much discussion about the Ring 's lack of safeguards and medical access ( the track is so long , – kilometres , that marshals and safety equipment were not only widely scattered but often whole stretches of the track , such as that where Niki 's car went off , could not be seen from any marshal 's post ) .
7 But more than anything she ‘ does ’ with her voice , it 's something clotted , intractable , something inconsolable within its fabric , that holds and entrances .
8 Consequently , these mutant cells rely exclusively on glycolysis for their energy requirements and require exogenous pyruvate and pyrimidines for growth .
9 Our provisional conclusion can be no more than that Rawls and others arguing for neutrality in similar ways fail to establish their case , and that sometimes they assume too quick or simple a connection between neutrality and personal autonomy .
10 Garden centre managers need to know that wildflower seeds have to be grown from native stock ; that highly ornate ‘ mock-Tudor ’ nest-boxes put nestlings ' lives at risk by attracting predators ; that the natural balance of a pond is not best served by chemical algicides ; that salted peanuts are a killer for birds ; that eco-friendly insecticides are a contradiction in terms ; and that wildflowers and buddleias are little help to wildlife if they 're grown in peat-based compost .
11 Delicate arrangements are required to maintain the controlled gas leak and these are prone to wear and maintenance problems .
12 Fears have been expressed that the release of any genetically engineered microorganism could get out of control and become harmful to plant or animal health .
13 The third difficulty is that the criteria which a lender uses to differentiate between borrowers he is prepared to accept and borrowers he judges too risky may , as it were , throw out the sheep with the goats .
14 The Social Fund replaced the previous system of additional and urgent needs allowances and grants , which had been an area of supplementary benefit responsive to demand and welfare rights pressure .
15 I need some space and time .
17 It is obviously very prone to bias and reactivity effects ; it can easily be subverted by stacking samples ; and the credibility of the report depends completely upon the creditability of the practitioner .
18 Not surprisingly this created a demand for experienced trainer manpower which could not be met , there was some disillusion and retrenchment in the 1970s .
19 He had always been slightly prone to drink and gambling .
20 Fourteen minutes of the first half remaining and Leicester City deservedly in front .
21 Ballantyne 's style is old fashioned and Golding 's is more modern and up to date .
22 If this happened and fighting broke out it was assumed that , against their will , Albania , Bulgaria , Serbia , Greece and even Turkey might get sucked in .
23 but some multiply and flower freely , and your investment will increase each year .
24 This means that the user generally finds it easier to use and data from one program can be easily transferred to another , a feat requiring skill and patience on machines like the PC .
25 This stretches and tones the front thigh muscle without adding bulk , and relaxes the muscles after the previous exercise .
26 I gave talks on those subjects the participants judged to be of most interest ( e.g. tense and aspect , sentence connexion ) , and the Workshop progressed from the theoretical basis of communicative grammar to descriptive topics , and finally ( in the last two days ) to detailed devising and planning of teaching materials .
27 The essence of this Libertarian Ideal is that people should be free to publish what they wish and free to read or view what they wish .
28 Some of the tasks , however , may be simply easier by nature than others and a significant result may just indicate , for instance , that it is easier to recognise and report words than trigrams .
29 Breakdown packs , spray bottles and the like are particularly prone to misuse and misidentification .
30 This calms and readies people for a sacred experience .
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