Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [det] [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 The relational algebra is also relationally complete , that is , it is possible to perform any data manipulation on the relations required by the user using one or more of the relational algebra operators .
2 O brave new world , that has such people in it . ’ ’
3 He stared aggressively at Burden and declaimed loudly and meaningfully , ‘ O brave new world , that has such people in it ! ’
4 It is possible to do this sort of analysis only within the arthropod phylum , because only that has enough species , with enough measurable features .
5 This led some people to maintain that he had derived the idea of civil disobedience from Thoreau , a fact which Gandhi himself denied.a In due course he substituted the phrase ‘ civil resistance ’ for ‘ civil disobedience ’ on the grounds that it conveyed the notion of non-violence better , but he continued to regard civil disobedience as a branch of satyāgraha .
6 All this encouraged many Burmese to believe that British interests were behind the assassinations .
7 Table 8.2 shows these data as percentages of adjusted social product in alternate years from 1979 to 1987 .
8 Since the logic of this eluded most people , it seemed reasonable to conclude that he was belatedly paying the price for arguing with an umpire .
9 We must be prepared to use all means to further our cause .
10 This requires some means of recording moves .
11 We have regularly said that we are prepared to put another 1p on the standard rate of income tax to ensure that people are properly trained and skill-trained , so that we can tackle the problems of the 1990s and try to achieve a much more dynamic and effective economy .
12 HBsAg positive individuals ( accounting for 3% of our cirrhotic population ) were excluded because at the outset of the trial hepatitus B virus immunisation was not widely available to theatre staff and it was not deemed acceptable to expose such staff to the risks of infection undergoing elective surgery .
13 Claudia was careful to keep several people between her and Roman .
14 This puzzles some people but the reason becomes clear in the following example .
15 And yet , with the exception of lead , this poisons more people every year than any other heavy metal .
16 The House UnAmerican Activities Committee had been sitting before McCarthy and it went on after him and in the long run this damaged more people .
17 This generates some 50% of total revenues , and Ms Keegan says Kapiti is working towards Posix-compliance .
18 While this suited some people with mild conditions , it became clear that those who attended as outpatients frequently had quite different characteristics from those who were admitted to the mental hospitals as in-patients .
19 R 2 will often be given a ‘ territory ’ , although this will not normally mean that R 2 makes all sales of M 1 's product inside the territory .
20 Scale-less ( leather ) or partially scaled ( mirror ) varieties made it easier to prepare such fish for the table , while ‘ pot-bellied pigs ’ were encouraged for their high weight-to-length ratio .
21 This makes some people over-concerned and competitive about it .
22 Some agricultural colleges are beginning to think about organic husbandry and small-scale farming but few have any staff experienced in these aspects and none yet provide full-time courses suitable for a smallholder .
23 This earns some US$ 2.3 billion per year but the problem is that domestic consumption is rising at about 12% per year and this is threatening exports .
24 If there is sufficient space it is possible to choose some people to play leapfrog during the chorus .
25 Some forms ( Turrilites ) adopted the helical spire , and were it not for the obligatory suture lines it might be possible to mistake these species for large gastropods .
26 I will have to take your word for it that they are a pair — but I wonder how you are so sure , as it is n't all that easy to sex these fish .
27 Wondering if my worm had been chewed again , I picked up the rod to reel in and was delighted to find another roach on the end .
28 It seems that it is impossible to free these people without untying the ropes .
29 In the 1979 survey more people said they had used HP at least sometime in the past than any other type of credit .
30 Details were wanted on the number of Englishmen employed " in the Mynes or at the said worke , either for getting Oare or about roasting & melting furnace or hamers , & whether there be any skilful to manage those works if the now farmers should dye . "
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