Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 In the late 1960s , Ceauşescu himself had called for a strengthening of the traditional family , but when that failed to have the desired effect of boosting the birth-rate , the regime reversed its direction from promoting old-fashioned morality as a stimulus to conception .
2 The Government said parents knew best but that failed to recognise the professionalism of teachers and the close links between teachers , parents and schools .
3 Most of the women who are high on one measure are high on the other , and those who are low tend to show the same symmetry .
4 Each agrees to accept the dividend in full satisfaction in consideration of every other creditor who is a party to the agreement doing so .
5 The rich tend to buy the services of doctors and the poor purchase mostly unprescribed medicines from pharmacists .
6 So they will continue to arise , but I think that it is right to plan to accommodate the ones that you know about .
7 Chromosomal DNA was isolated and purified from each isolate using the guanidium thiocyanate reagent method .
8 Repeated referendums were held between 1983 and 1990 in an attempt to achieve this end , but each failed to secure the necessary 75 per cent approval level [ see p. 37251 ] .
9 None of the big guns will be involved as Lisnagarvey , Banbridge and holders Holywood — each expected to reach the floodlit semi-finals of the competition — take time out to assist English national league side East Grinstead in their pre-season preparations .
10 None of the big guns will be involved as Lisnagarvey , Banbridge and holders Holywood — each expected to reach the floodlit semi-finals of the competition — take time out to assist English national league side East Grinstead in their pre-season preparations .
11 Two sides may each want to beat the other , they may even hate each other as sides , but if someone came and told them football is stupid and not worth playing or caring about , then they 'd feel together .
12 Does each answer describe the same number of students ?
13 Though Labour intended to invite the ‘ best and brightest ’ from among a whole range of people who had achieved acclaim in their chosen fields , the audience for this informal reception had a distinctive literary bent .
14 It is difficult to react adequately to George Woodcock 's silly comment that in Leonard 's first two books of poetry ‘ the thirties urge to relate the imagery of poetry to the world we live in , as the world we dream , might never have existed . ’
15 Page 30 NY cellular telephones : McCaw Cellular has bought the half stake owned in the New York cellular telephone franchise by Metromedia .
16 A friend of mine in her late thirties has spent the last five years building up a successful business .
17 Ten years younger than his wife , he was the youngest son of the Revd George Fyler Townesend and grandson of the Revd George Townsend [ sic ] [ q.v. ] , a redoubtable cleric who had travelled to Italy in 1850 to try to convert the pope .
18 It is clearly absurd to try to restrict the teaching of measurement to mathematics , and the teaching of good , clear writing to English .
19 In this situation , it is possible to try to group the postholes with similar characteristics , such as depth , diameter , and so on , and then to see if patterns of similar postholes reveal likely structures , such as circular or rectangular buildings .
20 Brian Little has become the first man to win the Vauxhall Conference manager of the month award , worth £250 , for the second time in succession , for Darlington 's unbeaten run throughout October .
21 As juniors the two American teenagers were mentioned in the same breath as Andre Agassi and Michael Chang , but neither has made the same impact as yet .
22 But so far neither has shown the tremendous flair with top-spin attacking that made them a major force in the world championships in Dortmund only seven months ago .
23 Moreover , if there was maladministration it is of little consequence now in that the new regime established by the Financial Services Act of 1986 has rendered the DTI 's role in this matter redundant .
24 Conservative legislation in 1986 has extended the scope for contracting out , allowing schemes which do not necessarily compete favourably with the state scheme and also reducing the benefits available under SERPS .
25 Essentially the Finance Act 1986 has left the IHTA 1984 provisions intact but there are a number of changes , the most substantial one being that if an individual gives property to another individual , or an accumulation and maintenance trust , or a trust for the disabled and survives the gift by seven years and the gift is not subject to reservations ( the taxpayer can no longer have his cake and eat it ) no inheritance tax at all is payable .
26 The Administration of Estates Act 1925 has repealed the Statutes of Distribution altogether , and has confined the operation of the statutes of 1833 and 1859 to three specific cases .
27 We shall see that the Law of Property Act 1925 has changed the form of the ordinary legal mortgage ( see pp. 96–9 ) .
28 The rape and murder of four US churchwomen who were carrying out humanitarian work with the displaced in December 1980 has received the most detailed international press coverage , but it is by no means an isolated case .
29 The book is divided into seven chapters , each reasonably self-contained , and each designed to provide the serious student with a critical review of its subject-matter as a basis for further research .
30 Meanwhile , through taking out individual DOUBLE PAYOUT PLANS , each has provided the other with a guaranteed lump sum in the event of death — in Alec 's case , at least £11,655 .
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