Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] then [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well you must be losing some weight then mother
2 The master is placed on a drum and comes into contact with damp rollers then ink rollers .
3 Another lettuce then courgette never had so much but I really adore them in the Maybe that 's I have such a small treat you see That 's
4 If the site chosen is in the opinion of the local authority not suitable for the carrying on of an offensive trade , being for example too near to residential properties then consent may be refused , or granted for a limited period or subject to conditions .
5 How did you do this gravy then dad ?
6 you see , and he was , he , he probably brought me into the world , you see but , er you see , and Mrs erm , you see , she was married to Doctor and he used to come up to see my father and we had a different door then door being that 's got a yale lock on now but he he 'd say , hello Frank , you know always so you got , oh he was so nice and it was such a shame that he died
7 Instead , place cotton wool soaked in remover over each nail , hold for a few seconds then life off .
8 If your organisation is involved in foreign markets then reaction in these countries would also be important .
9 If the instrument is only to be an indicator of magnetic activity then calibration is not really necessary .
10 If there are any missing , extra or erroneous segments with respect to the stored representation then access will fail .
11 However , as Colwell et al have pointed out ( Colwell et al , 1983 ) if enhanced platelet aggregation were to contribute to the pathogenesis of diabetic vascular disease then evidence of it should be present before the development of vascular disease .
12 If hyperlipidaemia persists despite simple measures then drug therapy may be instituted .
13 sort of try two or three styles then sort of how well you got ta think about your headdress and that first , have n't you ?
14 Failing these safeguards then public opinion is the final court of appeal .
15 , but then , when you come to the lunatic fringe then supervisor 's will cut an awful lot of corners to prevent them busting up the office or punching somebody in the nose , a real , I do n't mean people who are just stroppy , I mean the real lunatic .
16 If staff are the most valuable resource then time is the most scarce .
17 If infection is present for long in these organs then fertility may be seriously compromised .
18 You 'll let people overlook each other then sort of overlooking
19 If dissuading people from ever starting to smoke is the primary aim then limitation of long term cigarette smoking presumably comes second .
20 IF it 's more than a small amount that you 're drinking and also a regular thing then booze may not be quite as harmless as you think .
21 As long as the context of work allows good working relations and a pleasant environment then morale may be high but individuals may not be particularly motivated to seek responsibility .
22 More money then sense .
23 So you apply an osmo you in introduce the vesicles into into one chamber , apply an osmotic gradient , and those vesicles then fuse with the artificial bilayer , and again if you 're lucky you see a single channel erm appear in the bilayer and you can then stop the fusion process to stop more er channels appearing .
24 If we exclude the contribution of the informal sector then community care may be ‘ a cheaper option ’ ; if such costs are included or formal services are used extensively then community care is not a cheap option .
25 Shall I do those drinks then mum ?
26 With more petulance then penitence he described how he had noticed Sean 's knife as the barman was called away to serve a customer .
27 What 've you got to do then to that thingy then sheet Jan ?
28 When Richie Lowell ignored late arriving , was prepared to discuss things reasonably and lowered his Australian voice to a coaxing murmur then suspicion loomed in her mind .
29 Hidden by her handmaids she is seen to blush , then turns to Actaeon and throws water in his face to blind him , to stop him seeing her naked , but that is not enough and she knows it is not enough , and soon he feels the horns growing on his forehead , dat sparso capiti vivacis cornus cervis , she caused to grow on his head the horns of the long-lived stag , as if the cost of seeing her naked had to be death , first metamorphosis then death .
30 And now he 's broken free from the pattern and from the addictions , first alcohol then cocaine .
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